Chapter 1048: He Qunjian

At the beginning of the cloud, I spread the stalls: "That's a question, but some people don't move the stone and lick their feet! If these Zhu Xi Chang Yuhe testimony is what your scorpion can do, then you are Do you still cry out and ask for love?"

Wu Tuoshi was said by Yunchu, and there was some bottom in his heart. He looked at Wu Heng with a suspicious look. Wu Heng shouted loudly: "Uncle, I am really not doing it! You are asking!"

Wu Tutor came to the railing of Zhu Xi’s Chang Yu He’s animal house: “Who is your tail feather pulled? Is it the beginning of the cloud?”

Wu Tuoshi’s hand pointed to the beginning of the cloud, and the cloud slammed his mouth. “Wu, the tutor, you are obviously inductive! However, I believe that the noble bird of Zhu Yu Chang Yu’s will definitely tell the truth. Do you say that your beautiful tail feathers are pulled out?"

At the beginning of the cloud, I smiled at the Zhu Yu Chang Yuhe. When I asked and touched my hair with my hand, those Zhu Yu Chang Yuhe were suddenly stunned. Their hearts were tangled at this time. Of course, they could not wait. The beginning of the cloud was punished, but remembered the warning of the beginning of the cloud, even if she was fired, she would have a way to light their feathers. If there is no feathers, it is simply hopeless!

The crane group finally decided to smash. In the end, the tail feathers can grow up in a few days. They still don’t offend the little demon. She has too many bad waters. They just provoke a small one and she pulls out our tail feathers. If they really report her, she will definitely not let them go.

The cranes looked at each other, and then the collective brain shook like a rattle, denying that the tail feathers were unearthed.

At the beginning of the cloud, I slap a slap: "Everyone saw it? I said that I am innocent?! How can people like me be so good to pull their tail feathers?! Wu tutor, you might as well ask He Qun, this The tail feathers are not pulled out by your nephew. How can these beautiful and noble birds attack Wu Heng for no reason? It must be what he did wrong."

The eyes of everyone have been brought to Wu’s uncle, and the suspicion of the beginning of the cloud has been cleared, so the biggest suspect now is Wu Heng.

Wu Tuoshi’s heart is not at the end. He did give him the jade card of the animal house, so that he can practice the beast. Is it really Henger?

Wu Hengyi raised his neck: "Uncle, although you asked, I didn't come to the Lingyin Garden last night, let alone the tail feathers of these Zhu Yu Chang Yu."

Wu Tutor heard Wu Heng say this, and in order to elute his suspicion of covering the scorpion, he asked He Qun: "Is your tail feathers Wu Hengbiao?"

At the beginning of the cloud, he smiled and said: "Wu Heng is the fat man you just bruised with your mouth. Is your tail feather pulled by him? Or why are you attacking him? I believe that you will not miss such a noble bird. If you attack a person without reason, it must be due to something."

The cranes are arrogantly pondering the meaning of the early words in the cloud. How do you feel that the little devil is letting them testify to the fat man? However, the fat man is really abhorrent, and the owe to the child is not to come in to make us, if he is not killed, even if he is cheap, and testify that he is also good, just to export evil for them!

So, the group suddenly began to nod, and also screamed in anger!

At the beginning of the cloud, he sighed: "Wu is a tutor, but now it is difficult to do it. You want to destroy the pros!"

Everyone's eyes suddenly looked at Wu Tutor. This time he really moved his own feet and watched how he ended up!

(End of this chapter)

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