Chapter 10484

   Patriarch Wu almost passed away.

  Dare to love him to save a stick after spending a long time?

  Furthermore, even in accordance with the rules of the court, it is impossible to be punished so severely. After all, it is an attempt.

  He understands, this yellow-haired girl doesn't get any oil and salt, and it's a waste of work anymore.

  He took a deep breath and negotiated directly with Dean Wenren.

   Dean Wenren was very enjoyable while watching the theater. He said to his heart that he did not expect that an old fox like Wu Hongtai would be so aggrieved. It should be!

  Patriarch Wu said a lot of good things, and even sold it badly:

  "You also know the situation of our Wu family. There is only one of the juniors who have a good reputation. If he can't continue his studies in Winter Academy, the blow to our Wu family will be too great!

  Looking at our many years of friendship, raise your hand to ease the punishment!

  I don’t ask for anything else, as long as he can stay in Winter Academy. "

  Selled out miserably and began to promise benefits:

  "I know that the Winter Boat and Lin Boat of your Winter Academy are very good, but the other flying boats are much worse. Our Wu family is willing to make modifications for you for free, and the performance will definitely be greatly improved."

The pillar industry of   Wu’s family is to manufacture and sell flying boats. Naturally, the technology is very strong, and there are some unspoken secrets.

  He felt that this condition was enough to impress Dean Wenren and the others. Although it was a bit painful, nothing could compare to his grandson’s future.

What he never expected was that Dean Wenren refused.

   "Patriarch Wu, thank you for your kindness, but you also know that our Winter Academy has always followed the rules, not right to people.

  Wu Nianshen made such a big mistake, she absolutely can't stay in Winter Academy again, and will never be hired. "

Patriarch Wu was very angry, but did not show it on his face, sighed:

   "I also know that this is a bit difficult for a strong man, so the conditions remain the same, you can drive Nian Shen out of the Winter Academy, but you must allow him to apply for the Winter Academy in the future."

  Patriarch Wu felt that he had already taken a step back, and Dean Wen Ren would definitely agree this time.

  To be honest, Dean Wenren is indeed a little moved.

   But my heart is moving back to my heart, what should I do has to be done.

   "Patriarch Wu, forgive me for being unable to follow my life.

  Since I am the dean of Winter Academy, I can lead by example and not bend the law for personal gain. "

   Patriarch Wu was half-dead, his face changed a few times, and then he looked at the four meritorious teachers who had been silent.

  He knew that among these four, Grandmaster Huo had the final say.

   "Master Huo, you have heard what you said just now. Can you give me a thin noodle?

  If you can agree, in addition to the conditions I promised before, I can donate another ancient book to the Winter Academy, which was left by our ancestor Wu. "

Before Grandmaster Huo spoke, Grandmaster Teng leaned forward and said, "What you said is true?"

  Patriarch Wu nodded: "Naturally, it is true! Although ancient scrolls are precious, nothing compares to the prospects of their own juniors."

  After he said this, the expressions of both Dean Wenren and Huo Zongshi changed.

   Yun Chujiu didn’t know what the ancient scrolls mentioned by the head of the Wu family were, but it seemed that Dean Wenren and others were tempted.

  She even noticed that Dean Wenren glanced at her. If someone else looked at her, she would have looked for nothing, but Yun Chujiu understood Dean Wenren’s meaning that she wanted her to pass the ladder.

   Yun Chujiu was not surprised at all. Although Winter Academy abides by the rules, it is still accommodating, but it depends on whether the chips are heavy enough.

  (End of this chapter)

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