Chapter 10491 Absent-minded

As soon as the words    beard and beard were spoken, many people immediately agreed.

   "Isn't it?! The logistics branch is not a little bit different from the other five branches. It will definitely be delayed."

   "I don’t want the command branch and the Puppet branch. Even the other three branches are fine! Any one is better than the logistics branch."

   "We're the last one to be sure this time! We will return to the camp later, so we must be ridiculed by those people."


  The students of the Logistics Branch blushed and their necks were thick. Although they often complained about the logistics branch on weekdays, how could it be so harsh from others? !

  The situation here is also spread to the outside through the shadow stone.

  Not only the tutors from Winter Academy saw it, but also tens of thousands of people eating melons gathered outside the main entrance to watch.

  The semi-annual big match is naturally attracting attention.

The Superintendent of the   Logistics Branch has a calm expression on his face, but he has already scolded a small composition in his heart!

  He looked at Yun Chujiu, who was sitting on the ground in the Chuanying Stone, and pinned ninety-nine percent of his hopes on her.

  Hope that this baby bump of the Logistics Branch can turn the tide and take the Logistics Branch to fight a loud turnaround.

  Not only did he think so, but the students at the Logistics Branch also thought so, so many people turned to Yun Chujiu.

  Unfortunately, Yun Chujiu is absent-minded now.

  In her mind, the big ratio is secondary. Finding a lodging body for the hunting eagle is also a way to bring the feet, mainly to go to the Sifang City to find the Emperor Beiming.

  After hearing that the competition will be held in the circle, she has already made plans.

  One of the trickiest things is that the student’s situation will be synchronized to the shadow stone. She has to find a way to solve this problem.

  She deliberately tapped on the side and asked about the relevant situation, and finally concluded that the problem should lie on the evaluation jade medal.

  Assessment jade card is the contact medium between the magic circle and the outside world, and it is connected through divine consciousness.

  If she let the dog's tail grass occupy her body, her spiritual consciousness will naturally be cut off. Then, if she leaves the range of the large army, the outside world should not see her.

  Of course, this is just her guess, and she is not too sure whether it will succeed.

  If other people know what she thinks, they will be extremely frightened.

  Because she has already put a strand of divine sense into the jade card, once it is cut off in the middle, the strand of divine sense will be severely cut, and the divine sense will inevitably suffer severe damage.

  But this situation is not a big deal to Yun Chujiu, she often does it.

  Just, you have to find a suitable time to leave, or you will be caught back as a deserter.

  Before coming in, she had already greeted Chi Wu and the others, saying that she would leave alone to do something, so that they don't have to worry about it.

  As for the excuse, I said to find a lodging body for the hunting eagle.

  So she didn't care about the words that the beard and others said, right when they were poof.

  The expectation of the students in the Logistics Branch was ultimately mispaid.

  Beard and others talked about it for a long time and didn't see the students of the Logistics Branch talking back. They found it a bit boring, and turned to other things.

  Yun Chujiu pricked up his ears this time, hoping to get some useful news.

These six teams are all sent by the Pure Land Alliance. Listen to what they mean. If it weren't for the evaluation of the Winter Academy students, they would not have captured the six cities at all, even if the six cities were originally Yuanxiu. of.

   Yun Chujiu said in his heart, no wonder these people dared to ridicule them, if the soldiers outside the Pure Land would not have the courage.

  She still remembered how much people in Cold Valley looked up to the students of Winter Academy, and how dare to speak like that.

  (End of this chapter)

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