Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 1050: Master, how are you so kind?

Chapter 1050 Master, how are you so kind?

Wu Heng would like to explain again. Wu Tutor gave him a look: "Hurry up and apologize! Otherwise I will write to your father right away!"

Wu Heng suddenly stunned, and had no choice but to walk to the front of the crane house: "Sorry, I should not pull your tail feathers."

The crane group was originally angered. Now, see the dead fat man come over to apologize, and Tsundere’s return to the resting place where the clouds are drawn, no longer take care of these people.

Wu Tutor hurriedly hit Haha: "Since the cranes are not care, this matter is calculated! Yuan Tutor, money tutor, this is Wu Mou smashed, and I will be the East, and apologize to both."

Yuan tutor and money tutor perfunctored a few words, and sneered in his heart, this Wu tutor is really thick enough, blatantly covering the scorpion, it is estimated that he did not have the power to seek personal gains, but he is the confidant of Vice President Yin, they are still less It is better to be an enemy with him.

"Cough! Three instructors, if there is nothing I will leave, although the taste of this beggar is very uncomfortable, but fortunately, my suspicion is eluted at the end, otherwise I am really dying." Said.

Wu’s tutor yelled at the mouth and wanted to say something but didn’t know what to say. He had to watch the cloud and leave.

The third-grade students left the other beasts and left the spirit beast. Only Wu Heng was left by Wu.

"Uncle, the tail feathers of the cranes are really not mys!" Wu Heng vowed to say.

"If it wasn't for you, the cranes hated you so much?" Wu tutor gave him a glance.

Wu Heng said: "Where do I know?! Anyway, I am not doing it! I see that it is the ghost of the cloud."

Wu Tuoshi frowned. "In any case, if today is not the beginning of the cloud and the mud, today is not good, you should not look for her trouble! This little girl has too many ghosts, you can't fight her."

Wu Hengxin reluctantly agreed, but she did not agree with it. Hey, she and the mud must be her guilty conscience. The tail feathers of the cranes must be pulled out by her. He had to find a chance to clean up her.

At the beginning of the cloud, this cargo is going to the dormitory. The little blackbird is puzzled and asks: "Master, why do you want to help that Wu Heng? When did you become so kind?"

"Oh, my master, I am not so kind, but this thing can't help but scrutinize. If you get to the bottom, it will inevitably find out the culprit of me. This is the best ending, and I can give the owner a profit." Regardless of the predecessor, kindness and generosity, why not??" Yun said with a smile.

The little black bird licked his mouth, and it knew that their master's heart was black. How could it suddenly turn white lotus? !

After the cloud was cleaned for a few days, the instructor and the servant of the spirit beast found that the veterinarians of the violent wild bear and the Zhu Yu Chang Yuhe were very neat, and the beasts were active in a fixed area. It’s a shame.

Someone reported this matter to Wu Tutor. After Wu Tutor checked it, everyone was also encouraged to promote it in other monster areas. Unfortunately, the effect was not so good. Those monsters did not buy it at all. Later, the matter It will be gone.

The college life of the cloud-flying chicken and dog-flying is getting on the right track. The students of the yellow-word class listen to her words. Every day, in addition to class and cleaning the spirit beast, they are trying hard to cultivate. This product deeply understands that the feeling of this weak person is really not so good!

(End of this chapter)

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