Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Vol 2 Chapter 10503: Enough for a lifetime

   Chapter 10503

   Yun Chujiu saw that the old man deliberately changed the subject, so she simply picked it through:

   "If I can't take him out this time, please help me take care of him.

  Don’t worry, I will come back soon. "

  The old man's gaze wandered, and he stammered: "I have a low cultivation base and my mind is not very flexible. It is better to find someone else to entrust it."

   "Even the people in the Prison of Karma Fire no longer remember Mo Huang. Your family still guards this altar for generations.

  This kind of loyalty can't find a second one in the world!

  So the big magic circle, the only one I can trust is you, and I can only entrust it to you.

  I know that this matter is very risky, so I can promise you one condition, any condition is fine. "Yun Chujiu said sincerely.

  After listening to Yun Chujiu's words, the old man began to weigh the pros and cons in his heart. The little girl obviously relied on him. Even if he didn't agree, he would think of other ways to force him to agree.

  Actually, it doesn’t matter if you agree, after all, there is only a half chance that you won’t be able to get out.

  Only condition...

   "I can promise you, but you have to promise me to find the candied haw shop in your interface after going out, and see what the head of the family is like, and then find a chance to come in and tell me about it." The old man said.

   Yun Chujiu did not expect that the old man would offer such a simple condition, and he immediately agreed.

  The old man said again: "You said that you came in to participate in the assessment of Winter Academy? In this case, wouldn't I have to follow you to leave the Qiqian Pure Land and go to Eternal Winter City?"

   Yun Chujiu nodded.

  The old man suddenly became ill!

   "No, I won't go! I heard that it is not only unbearably hot, but also worrying about my life at any time. I can't stand the tossing with my old bones."

   Yun Chujiu had a good coercion and temptation, and finally let the old man relax.

  The negotiation has been decided, and the day is dawning.

  The old man arranged the shop's affairs, and then followed Yun Chujiu out of Sifang City.

  At a secluded place, Yun Chujiu released the little silly eagle, and dragged the dumbfounded old man onto the little silly eagle's back.

  The old man resisted and did not scream, this is a hatred of Tian Diao... right?

   By the way, the girl said before in the film that she has such a eagle, but hearing it and seeing it with her own eyes are two different things!

   Even in his dreams, he never thought that one day he could sit on the back of Heng Tian Diao for a ride. This would be enough for him to blow for a lifetime!

  When he was about to leave Nanyuan Forest, the little silly eagle reminded Yun Chujiu: "Didn’t you agree to find a lodging body for the hunting eagle? Did you forget?"

   Yun Chujiu’s attention is now on the silver snake, and she has forgotten this matter a long time ago.

  It came to mind when Xiao Sha Diao said that.

  However, the Hate Eagles are generally active near the Beiyuan Forest, and she can no longer go to the Beiyuan Forest to catch the Hate Eagles.

  Besides, hating the sky eagle is not so easy to catch, just catch a demon bird casually.

  She did this because the time was really too late, and there was another reason, that is, it was not honest about hunting the sky eagle. If you get a powerful host for it, you might make a moth.

  After thinking about it, Yun Chujiu waited on the spot, letting the little silly eagle catch a demon bird back.

  The little silly eagle came back soon and threw a demon bird in front of Yun Chujiu.

   Yun Chujiu looked at the demon bird with only one breath left, very speechless.

  It’s hard to say whether this thing will last until she goes out. Hunting the sky eagle will only take away this thing unless it is incapable of thinking.

  (End of this chapter)

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