Chapter 10505 Reconciliation

  As soon as Lieutenant General Wei's voice fell, the others immediately agreed.

   "Yes, I originally heard people say how bad the logistics branch is, but I still think it's an exaggeration.

  Looking at it now, the rumors are not wrong at all. The students of the Logistics College are incomparable with other branches. "

  "They can also do some camping and cooking work. If they are talking about charging and fighting, they would not be as good as our little soldiers!"

   "Vice-General Wei is right, let's not count on them, as long as we don't drag us back."


  Qin Huanzhang's face eased a little, after all, there was a reason for the matter, not because he was inextricably led.

  He said to Lieutenant General Luo, who had not said a word, “Be optimistic about the little trash, don’t let them cause trouble.”

Lieutenant Luo nodded and said yes.

  He said in his heart, it was obviously your command error last night. What does it have to do with the group of students? !

  Those students are weak because they are weak, but they will definitely not cause any trouble.

  Don’t talk about anything else. Yesterday so many people were killed and injured. When he counted just now, there was only one student missing.

  And the student disappeared when he first set off.

  The reason why Vice-General Luo now has a better view of these students in the Logistics Branch has been indispensable.

  These days, Chi Wu has been close to Lieutenant Luo, and even directly recognized Lieutenant Luo as his righteous brother.

  Feiyi is very speechless, his second brother has no other hobbies, but likes to recognize his elder brother everywhere.

  In addition to being close to Deputy General Luo, Chi Wu also urged the students of the Logistics Branch not to be aggressive, save their strength, and make plans after the little girl comes back.

  Anyway, they are logisticians, and generally don’t need them to charge into battle.

These students in the Logistics Branch are fascinated by their president. They always feel that their president is not captured, but is holding big moves.

  At this moment, Yun Chujiu arrived with the old man.

  Qin Huanzhang heard it and immediately led the two of them in front of him.

   He frowned and stared at Yun Chujiu: "Aren't you captured? How come you are here, who is next to you?"

Yun Chujiu hurriedly said: "My lord, I was indeed captured by Fire Puppet. I thought I was dead or not, but I didn’t expect that I should not die. Fire Puppet might think that my cultivation base is too weak. Lax.

  I aimed for a moment and ran away.

  But with my ability, there is no way to get rid of those fire puppets. Fortunately, I met this senior Tang.

  Senior Tang let me get on his puppet carriage, and he also consumed an ancestral secret treasure, which led me to escape.

  We hurriedly hurried, and finally caught up. "

  Qin Huanzhang looked suspicious, and was about to speak, when a lieutenant next to him said: "Huh? Are you not the boss of Tangji Tanghulu Shop?!"

  "The little old man is Tang Fengqi. I originally wanted to visit relatives, but I didn't expect to meet this little girl.

  Although I am not a soldier, I can't save her from death. This saved her at the expense of the secret treasure uploaded by the ancestor, and sent her here again. "The old man said.

  Qin Huanzhang heard him say this, but his suspicion was somewhat dispelled.

  The reason is simple. Since he is a person with a name, a surname, and a shop, he should have no guts to lie. After all, a monk can't run away from the temple.

  Furthermore, this little girl is a student of Winter Academy, and it is impossible to take refuge in the fire puppet.

  Even so, Qin Huanzhang asked a few more questions, and then said when he saw that there were no flaws:

   "Since you are back, let's go back to the team!"

  He said to the old man again: "Boss Tang, what are your plans for the next step?"

  (End of this chapter)

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