Chapter 10515 Source Key

  Naturally, Yun Chujiu would not be so stupid to ask Huo Ci what she wanted. She had something more interested in.

   "Master Huo Ci, I don't know anything about Yuan Key, can you tell me more about it? This will make it easier for me to start."

  Huo Ci frowned. What he said just now was almost an explicit statement that he would accept her as a concubine. Why didn't she answer the question? Instead, they asked about the source key?

  Is it hard to believe now that he wants to let him marry her as his wife?

  This is a bit difficult!

  Like inside the Condor Heroes, whether it is Yuanxiu or Huo Puppet, intermarriage is a taboo.

  It is very difficult for him to marry her as a concubine!

  I even took Joe again. I really don’t know what it is!

   But he changed his mind, maybe it was the little spy who was shy, so he changed the subject deliberately.

  Yes, it must be so!

  There was a little smile in his tone: "Naturally, I will tell you as long as you want to know." Yun Chujiu: "..."

  How is Huo Ci speaking strangely today?

  Also, her value now is much greater than before, so he naturally has to coax her.

  She asked, "What the **** is Genkey?"

  "What do you use for Yuanxiu cultivation?" Huo Ci did not answer the question.


   "Then do you know what our fire puppets use for cultivation?"

  Yun Chujiu is no longer a little rookie who knows nothing. He naturally knows the answer to this question. Huo Puppet usually relies on absorbing puppet yuan to practice.

After hearing her answer, Huo Ci said:

   "You are right. We do practice by absorbing the free puppets from the outside world, but do you know where these puppets come from?"

   "I don't know." Yun Chujiu said in a heart, can you just tell me the answer is not good? Asking questions one by one, is it to show that you are knowledgeable?

  "The puppets come from the source mine, and each of our tribes is based near the source mine.

  Yuanxiu is greedy in nature, and has always coveted the source mine, so that's why he has been with us endlessly.

  Almost all of the known source mines are on our Fire Golem’s territory, with one exception.

There is also a source mine in Qiqian Pure Land, but we don't know where it is.

  It is said that after the source mine was discovered, in order not to destroy the existing balance, the various forces decided to seal it, and then created three source keys.

  Only when these three source keys are merged together can the seal of the source mine be opened.

  After several times toss and turns, finally three source keys fell in Fengjia, Lengjia and Winter Academy. "Huo Ci said.

   Yun Chujiu suddenly realized that, it is no wonder that Feng's family also used the idea of ​​the source key of the Winter Academy, and dare to love it for the source mine!

   "Master Huo Ci, forgive me to ask, even if I can get the source key of Winter Academy, it's useless without the other two!"

  Huo Ci smiled and said: "Naturally useful. I can use this key to negotiate with the three of them. This thing will definitely sell for a big price!

  And it can disturb them, let them bite the dog! "

   "My lord is really brilliant! Don't worry, I will try my best to the source key, wait for my good news!" Yun Chujiu said vowedly.

  She has now taken a firm foothold on Yuan Xiu's side, there is no need to take this risk at all, it is just perfunctory.

  Huo Ci believed that it was true, and thought, it seems that he had guessed correctly before.

  The little spy is shy, otherwise he won’t be so aggressive in trying to steal the source key. He would like to finish the task quickly and become his concubine sooner.

  (End of this chapter)

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