Chapter 10532 There is no freshness at all

  Tang Mansion looks nothing special on the surface, but it is surrounded by magic circles. If you enter from the main entrance, there will be nothing, but if someone dares to cross the wall and enter, then wait for luck!

  So, she sent a message to Boss Tang, asking him to withdraw the circle and patrols from the north wall so that she could enter through the north wall.

   Boss Tang was surprised, how did she know the magic circle?

  Although he was uncertain, he still withdrew the circle of the North Wall.

After Yun Chujiu confirmed that no one was watching near the north wall, he jumped into the courtyard lightly.

   Boss Tang hurried over to greet her, and did not care to say more, so he led her into the secret passage.

When    approached the secret room, Boss Tang lowered his voice and said, “That person’s temper is very scary. Be careful, don’t provoke him.”

   Boss Tang didn’t care about Yun Chujiu’s behavior, but was mainly afraid of suffering from the fish.

  Yun Chujiu was relieved when he said this. Since Boss Tang can be scared, it means that Xiao Bailian still has some lingering skills and his physical condition should be pretty good.

   "Don't worry, I have a sense of measure."

   Boss Tang said nothing, and opened the door of the secret room.

   Yun Chujiu saw the silver snake on the stone platform at a glance.

  Although it was only a glance, she had already determined that it was the silver little snake that Emperor Beiming had transformed, and there were actually two silver little snakes.

  Just as she was about to take out the silver snake from her sleeve, she heard Boss Tang say: "My lord, I have called for you, and the little old man retires."


   Boss Tang stopped turning around, and asked cautiously: "You, what do you want?"

   "You stay, otherwise it would be inappropriate for a man and a woman to live in the same room." The silver snake said lightly.

  Boss Tang: "..."

  Where are the lone men and widows? Are you obviously a snake now? !

  Besides, how can Yuan Xiu say so much? ! Not to mention being in the same room, it is common to hold hands and hold hands in a hurry.

   Yun Chujiu curled his lips, Xiao Bailian's old problem of amnesia has committed again!

  But maybe it's not just amnesia, maybe it has closed off the emotions and desires.

  Unfortunately, this is not the first time, and there is no new feeling at all.

  She set her eyes on the tail of the silver little snake, trying to see if his tail was "erased".

  As a result, I just glanced at it, and before I could see it clearly, I heard the silver snake say quite displeased:

  "Don’t be rude, don’t you understand?!

  If it is like this again, Meng Lang, get out! "

   Boss Tang saw the silver snake getting angry, so he threw himself and knelt on the ground, and kept winking at Yun Chujiu.

  Xin said, grandma, what I said to you clearly just now is very clear, don’t mess with that evil star, why are you disobedient? !

   is just a silver snake, what's so interesting? !

  He has every reason to suspect that what Yun Chujiu told him before was false. If it is really her fiance, why does the evil star treat her as a stranger?

  Yun Chujiu did not receive boss Tang’s eyes, she stared at the vertical pupil of the silver snake: “You really can’t remember it at all?

What about   ? Are you going to play the scene of chaos and abandonment?

  Okay, since you don’t remember anything, then it’s irrelevant for men and women to marry in the future. Who regrets who is the grandson!

  Boss Tang, let’s go! "

  Yun Chujiu turned around and wanted to leave. Boss Tang was a little confused. He didn't expect Yun Chujiu to be so strong.

  He had to look at the silver snake: "My lord, I..."


   "...good." Boss Tang trembled.

  Haha, you are not afraid of loneliness this time.

   Continue at nine o'clock tomorrow night, okay!



  (End of this chapter)

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