Chapter 10540 Too capable of acting

  "Four seniors, everything I did was to save my fiancé, not to conceal it, let alone any evil intentions.

  But just now I heard that the magic circle had changed. I thought about it. There were too many coincidences. I wondered if it was because I rescued my fiance?

  To be honest, I am very conflicted in my heart. I am afraid that it will cause your misunderstandings, so I have never dared to tell the truth.

  But let’s not say that my conscience can’t get through, I can’t just watch my classmates get trapped in the circle.

  I'm sorry for the cultivation of the college. I'm sorry for the help and trust of the four of you. I am a sinner..."

  When she said this, tears fell like rain, and she couldn't cry. She gestured to kneel, but she slumped directly on the ground because of her footsteps.

  The silver little snake heart inside the sleeve pocket said, this yellow-haired girl is too capable of acting!

  He was not the fiancé who was deceived by her, right?

  Pray that the teacher first said: "Okay, if you have something to say, don't kneel at all, um, sit down.

  You are not intentional, and it may not be because of you. You get up and talk first. "

Grandmaster    also turned around and said, "What is it like to cry?! It’s not too late for you to clarify the matter first and then ask for the crime."

   Yun Chujiu heard the words and wiped tears indiscriminately with her sleeves, and then stood up.

  The silver snake in the sleeve pocket: "..."

  Can you think about how I feel before you wipe your tears and nose?

  Furthermore, normal people are used to rubbing with their right hand? Why does this yellow girl use her left hand?

   must be intentional!

  Master Jian took a deep breath: "Leave other things aside first. You can tell me carefully about the battle, and you can't miss a single bit."

   Yun Chujiu said quickly, and shook the bracelet made of nine-ring firestone on her left wrist.

  She didn't mention that she was a spy of the fire puppet. After all, this matter will not be explained clearly for a while, so she did not say that the nine-ring firestone is indeed the treasure of the fire puppet clan.

Grandmaster    was surprised: "I made this thing casually at the time, but it was brought out? And can it be deformed?"

  He asked Grandmaster Zhai to take over the control, and came over to touch the bracelet.

  As a result, I saw that the bracelet disappeared.

  Grandmaster Teng's mouth opened big: "Here, what's going on?"

   Yun Chujiu laughed dryly: “It likes hiding cats when it’s okay, I’ll let it come out.”

   After speaking, she sternly said: "Now we are talking about business, come out quickly!"

  The bracelet then slowly reappeared a little bit.

Grandmaster    was surprised when he saw it: "Not only has this thing come out, but it has also produced spiritual wisdom? I feel as if I am dreaming."

   Yun Chujiu smiled bitterly: "You tell me, I found this stuff when I came out, and I also felt dreaming."

  Qing tutor is more interested in the little silly eagle, if it weren’t for Feizhou’s inability to pretend, Yun Chujiu would have let it out a long time ago.

   "The little silly eagle you mentioned is really the one in the formation?"

   Yun Chujiu nodded: "Yes, it was also the last time that it took me to Wan Jianfeng."

   And I went in this time, just thinking about it, it appeared in front of me and followed me out again. "

  In fact, Qi Mentor and others have always been a little puzzled. Why didn’t the Heng Tian Diao kill her directly, but took her to Wanjian Peak?

  Now I have a solution, and dare to be the little silly eagle.

   Continue at nine o'clock tomorrow night, okay!



  (End of this chapter)

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