Chapter 10547 Your nose

   Master Jian saw that Huo Ci hadn’t been moving for a long time, so he said, “I’ll check the formation of the magic circle and see if I can find anything.”

  Actually, he knew that the problem was not in the lineup at all, but he still held a trace of luck.

After Master Jian left, no one spoke for a while.

Supervisor He Yuan of the Puppet Branch wanted to say something weirdly with Yin and Yang, but when he saw the silver snake on Yun Chujiu's wrist, he swallowed silently.

   At this moment, the superintendent of the hospital sitting opposite him pointed to his nose and said: "You, your nose!"

  Inspector He suddenly had an ominous premonition. He reached out and touched it, only to find that his nose was missing.

  He hurriedly took out the mirror, and as expected, a small piece of the tip of his nose was wiped off.

  Next, the Superintendent of the Court and others also experienced similar situations one after another, but the parts that were erased were different.

  This confirms what the silver snake said before, and it is related to the level of cultivation.

   People with a high level of cultivation were the first to be affected, and now it is the turn of He Yuan to supervise them.

  Although everyone tried their best to stay calm, their hearts still filled with panic.

   Yun Chujiu gave a light cough, and said: "If Grandmaster Jian can re-open the magic circle, I will go in and see, maybe I can find a solution."

   Superintendent He couldn't hold back, he stubbornly said, "Then what if the circle still can't get in?"

   "Then we can only think of other ways. There is no way out of the sky, and we will always think of a solution." Yun Chujiu said.

  The Superintendent of He Yuan said, dare to feel that you have not been erased anywhere. When you think of a way, maybe we are all dead!

   However, he just didn't dare to say it.

  At this time, the bone whistle inside Yun Chujiu's storage ring trembled.

  Yun Chujiu's eyes lit up, and he quickly took out the bone whistle and plunged his divine sense into it.

Huo Ci's rather anxious voice came from inside   : "You just said something is wrong with the senior management of Winter Academy? You can talk more carefully."

  Yun Chujiu blinked his eyes and said, "They all gathered in a secret room, and no one was allowed in. They haven't come out yet!

  Master Huo Ci, I hear your tone a little bit unpleasant. Could something happen to our Huo Puppet? "

  On the other side, Huo Ci relayed Yun Chujiu's words to the great witch in the clan intact.

  At this time, in the Great Witch’s room, there were also the clan leader of the Xin Gu clan and several clan elders. All of them had slight defects in their bodies, even the Great Witch.

  The eyebrows on both sides of the big witch were all reduced by half, and he flicked when he talked. If it weren't for the heavy atmosphere at this time, Huo Ci would definitely be tempted to laugh.

  The big witch held a string of red beads in his hand, twisting the beads with his fingers, and after listening to what Huo Ci said, he said:

   "It seems that Yuan Xiu must have the same situation as us, and the catastrophe is coming!"

The patriarch was about to speak, and the bone whistle trembled one after another.

  After a while, he said solemnly: "The Great Witch, the Tired Puppet, the Tired Puppet, and the Tired Puppet have all sent news just now. Although they are all temptations, the same situation should have occurred."

  The great witch closed his eyes: "This is a catastrophe for everyone, and no one can escape.

  It is not only Yuan Xiu and us, but also monsters and monsters. "

  The patriarch looked at the big witch eagerly: "Is there no way at all?"

  The other people also looked at the big witch. If the big witch said there was no way, then they would have to admit their fate.

  Although there are four tribes in the Huo Puppet clan, their great witch is the most powerful, otherwise their Xin Puppet territory will not be larger than the other three tribes.

  (End of this chapter)

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