Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Vol 2 Chapter 10551: How did she come in

   Chapter 10551 How did she come in

  The four great witches of the fire puppet clan have hardly been seen in public, so it is the first time that people on Yuan Xiu's side have seen their true faces.

  It’s just that the scene at this time is a bit funny, everyone’s face is a little missing, especially the big witch eyebrows of the Xin Puppet clan only have half of their eyebrows left.

   Yuan Xiu didn’t get much better here. Patriarch Feng and the others used masks or cloaks to cover them when they came, and they all took them off at this time.

  So neither Yuan Xiu's side nor Huo Puppet's side said anything, and stared at them.

  Huo Ci has been looking for the little spy, but this kind of scene naturally lags behind as Yun Chujiu, so Huo Ci looked for a long time before he saw the little spy’s head.

  He said in his heart, alas, I don’t know which part of the little spy had been erased. He looked like a normal person, so it’s probably impossible to see it now.

  He saw that Yun Chujiu was safe and sound and began to ponder another matter, how did the three great witches come here?

  He originally thought that they couldn't do it at all, but he didn't expect that he actually arrived within three hours.

  Is there any secret technique?

  Or is there a teleportation array here?

  He just took the opportunity to ask Da Wu, but it was a pity that Da Wu ignored him.

  At this time, Grandmaster Huo said: "Everyone of the Fire Puppet Clan, if you have a greeting, let's avoid it, and go straight to the topic!

  Let me briefly introduce the situation we have here. "

  Next, Zongshi Huo briefly said the matter, and then said:

  "This is what we have initially grasped. In addition, Gu slowly grasped some information.

  Gu slowly, come on! "

  Huo Ci's heart sinks, the little spy still has some information? Could it be that the identity of her spy was exposed?

  Yun Chujiu walked from the back to the front at this time, and said without any haste:

   "I came here by mistake from the Buddha Prison. Because I don't know the situation here for the time being, I can only use a fake identity."

  As soon as she landed this, she caused a few exclamations.

  Patriarch Feng, Patriarch Leng, and Chief Yuchi are all shocked, come from the Buddha Prison? The tunnel to seal the devil's mausoleum will only be opened once in ten years. How did she get in?

  She came from the Buddha Prison, so her three brothers and sisters must have the same origin!

  It’s no wonder that they were all sky-blind before, and suddenly they were able to cultivate, and the speed of cultivation was very fast.

  Sure enough, if something goes wrong, there must be a demon!

   Huo Puppet is not too surprised, because the great witch of the Xin Puppet clan had previously said that Gu Slow was a man of destiny. Since he is a man of destiny, it is naturally special.

  Except for Huo Ci.

  In Huo Ci's mind, Gu Slow was a plain-looking spy who was infatuated with him. How could it be that he came from the Buddha prison? The identity is also fake?

   Yun Chujiu ignored everyone’s reaction and continued:

   "Although my identity is fake, I have no malice towards Yuan Xiu or Huo Puppet. Everything I do is just to survive.

  Leave other things aside, let me talk about the magic circle.

  When I entered the magic circle for the first monthly assessment, after I came out, I found that there was a very common red stone in the storage ring, which was the task item in the circle—the nine-ring flame stone. "

  Speaking of this, she pointed to her left wrist: "I just said casually, if it becomes a bracelet, then it becomes what it is now."

  The four fire puppet clan great witches almost screamed at the same time: "Nine-ring firestone?! How could it be a nine-ring firestone?!"

  (End of this chapter)

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