Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Vol 2 Chapter 10556: I really don't know this

  Chapter 10556 This is really I don’t know

  The Nine-Ring Flame Stone shivered, and then abruptly pulled the words back: "In fact, there is no way, it's just a little troublesome."

  Everyone including Yun Chujiu's eyes lit up: "What way?"

   "There can only be one of the two. Since you want to keep the outside one, you have to destroy the magic circle.

  However, don’t blame me for not reminding you that if the circle is ruined, the balance will be broken. It’s hard to say what it will be like outside. "The Nine Ring Flame Stone said.

  Everyone was surprised at first, and then they rushed to express their opinions.

  "Still think of a way, not to destroy the magic circle so easily.

  Don’t talk about anything else, if the magic circle is destroyed, we still can’t return to normal, and we won’t be able to use other methods at that time. "General leader Yuchi said.

Patriarch Feng said disapprovingly: "If you don't break it, you can't stand it. The magic circle is the root cause. Only by destroying it can you completely solve the hidden danger."

  He said that, of course, he had his plan. The magic circle has been held in the hand by Winter Academy, and it was just right to take this opportunity to destroy it.

"Patriarch Feng's words are bad! Rude destruction will not solve the problem completely, and it may bring more serious hidden dangers, so it is better to be cautious." Patriarch Leng said, although he is also afraid of Winter Academy, he I hate Fengjia more.

  Different from Yuan Xiu’s own opinions, Huo Puppet’s opinions were very quiet, no one said anything, and he still knelt on the ground honestly.

Although Grandmaster Huo had seen such a scene in his dream, the premise was that the fire puppet was defeated.

  Looking now, there is no joy or schadenfreude, only the depression of the imminent disaster.

  He asked: "What do you think?"

  The Great Witch of the Xin Puppet Clan said in a deep voice: "We follow the guidance of my clan's holy artifact, and it does whatever it says."

  Grandmaster Huo said in his heart, your holy thing doesn’t care about your life and death at all, okay? ! Even listen to its guidance?

  At this time, Yun Chujiu asked the Nine-Ring Firestone: "You said that the balance between the formation and the outside has been broken. What is the reason for breaking the balance?"

  The Nine-Ring Firestone answered quickly this time: "I just said it, I don't know."

  Thinking about it and adding: "I really don't know this!"

Patriarch Feng sneered: "You knowingly ask! Of course it is because of you outsiders!

  Otherwise, why did it all work well before, but it happened that you came to become like this in the end? ! "

  To be honest, Zongshi Huo and others have the same guess.

  Although Feng Moling would send people in to collect the annual tribute every ten years, they all came in through a specific channel, and Gu Slow and the others came in by accident.

  Maybe it was because their intrusion made the circle and the outside world out of balance.

  The great witch of the Xin Puppet clan said:

   "It's definitely not caused by her! I said before. According to my deduction, she is the man of destiny and the one who saves us!"

Patriarch Feng sneered again and again: "She and your Huo Puppets have colluded with each other a long time ago, so you naturally speak to her.

  How? Not convinced?

  If she hadn't colluded with your fire puppets, why did the nine-ring flame stone follow her? "

  The patriarch of the Xin Puppet clan said angrily: "Your Yuan Xiu really has a gloomy mind, and your own conspiracies think that our fire puppets are the same.

  If the catastrophe is not coming, I really don’t bother to take care of you. "

Patriarch Feng is quite proud of seeing everything through:

  "How is it? I was so embarrassed to become angry when I said it?

  Everyone, now things are clear, Gu Slowly colluded with Fire Puppet to design all this, taking her down and rigorously interrogating will surely find out the truth. "

  (End of this chapter)

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