Chapter 10559 Why Not

  The tone of the nine-ring firestone is somewhat mocking:

   "The treasure you think is an out-and-out murder weapon, it is constantly absorbing energy.

  First, absorb all the cultivation base of the hunting eagle, and then it is your turn and the monster beast, and then it must be the Forest of Origin.

  If I guess right, it will take all its energy as its own, and the Hell of Karma will eventually become a place of dead silence. "

  Everyone was shocked, and Grandmaster Teng blurted out: "Why does the magic circle do this? Just to replace it?"

  He felt that this statement was untenable. Even if the magic circle had the power, it was impossible to have such a scheme, let alone to have such a big ambition.

   "Who knows?! Anyway, I think that if you want to break the game, you have to destroy the magic circle, otherwise everyone has to finish playing." Nine Ring Firestone said.

  People originally had different opinions on whether to destroy the magic circle, but now they have no objections. This kind of harm must be eliminated!

   Yun Chujiu suddenly asked, “What is the energy absorbed by the magic circle used for?”

   "I don't know, it's probably used to keep the circle running!" The Nine Ring Firestone guessed.

   Yun Chujiu shook his head: "The magic circle doesn't use so much energy at all, and you have overlooked the most important thing."

  The Nine-Ring Firestone asked wonderingly: "What's the matter?"

  "The magic circle is never created out of thin air, it is naturally created by man.

  Who is its owner?

  The energy it draws is probably not for its own use but transmitted to its owner. In other words, the magic circle is just a tool for drawing energy. "Yun Chujiu said.

  Of course, this is just her guess.

  Unexpectedly, the nine-ring flame stone said in surprise:

   "Huh? What you say reminds me of a confusing thing.

  The puppet in the circle is still relatively stable, but it fluctuates once in about a hundred years.

  Of course, this kind of fluctuation cannot be felt by other people, and only someone with the ability like me can detect one or two.

  If what you said is true, it should be that the master of the circle draws energy every 100 years. "

  Speaking of this, its voice suddenly rose: "Oh, who did this?! It's too sinister and vicious!

  If this is the case, it is not only to replace it, but to completely destroy this place!

  I think, maybe the magic circle will be destroyed after it loses its use value.

  Hey, this is the last bit of oil and water to be squeezed out! "

  The words of the nine-ring flame stone made the faces of everyone even more frightened, and even Patriarch Feng, who had been screaming, did not move.

  If this is really artificially designed, what kind of cultivation should the person behind this be? What a horror? !

   Yun Chujiu's face is also very solemn, she feels that this method is very similar to that of the master of the Hall of Gods and Demons, is it also the handwriting of the Hall of Gods and Demons?

  Before, she had guessed that the three thousand continents she was on was one of the endless deep hells of three rocks, and the Temple of Gods and Demons had been secretly extracting the spiritual power of three thousand continents.

  While she was thinking, Grandmaster Teng gritted her teeth and said: "In this case, we should quickly destroy the magic circle, lest the situation become more serious."

  Others also agreed. Naturally, there was no objection from the fire puppet, because the nine-ring firestone had always been leading the destruction of the magic circle.

  The silver snake said coldly: "No!"

  The others hadn’t spoken yet, Huo Ci sneered, “Why not? By the way, you are not from the Hell of Karma, so naturally you don’t have a backache when you stand and talk!”

  (End of this chapter)

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