Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Vol 2 Chapter 10565: Xiaodoubao woke up

   Chapter 10565 Xiaodoubao wakes up

  Hunting Tiandiao hates others for calling it a duck, and immediately yells:

   "You are blind! Which eye do you see that I am a duck?!

  The old man at Winter College said very clearly that my webbed and duck’s are fundamentally different.

  And I’m a larva now, and when I grow up, it will change a lot! "

  Nine-ring firestone is not to be outdone: "Don't deceive yourself! Even if the web is different, you are also a duck!

  Look at your flat beak, look at the duck steps you walk, and listen to your duck call, you are clearly a stupid duck! "

  Hunting Sky Eagle almost fainted!

  I thought there was an extra helper, but who knew that there was an enemy.

  It hurriedly sent Yun Chujiu a voice: "That broken stone is not honest. It just told me that after the matter is over, it will bite you back!"

   Yun Chujiu felt that the nine-ringed fire stone was not so stupid. It must be the hunting eagle who is telling the truth, but because later he has to count on the hunting eagle to find the source mine, he said:

   "Really?! I wrote it down.

  You have done amazing things recently, I will not treat you badly! "

  Hunting the sky eagle is simply beautiful, and immediately put forward a request:

   "Then wait for you to finish your business and help me catch a Heng Tian eagle. I really don't want to be a duck. Well, I don't want this body anymore."

  Yun Chujiu promised, as long as this crisis can be solved, not to mention that one hates the sky eagle, just a few will do.

  The speed of the little silly eagle is very fast, but within a few hours of work, he has reached the place where the hunting eagle said.

  There are endless mountains below, and the top is lush and green, which looks no different from ordinary mountains.

   Yun Chujiu asked Hunting Sky Eagle: "Is it here?"

   "Yes, it's here! You don't need to worry about breaking the seal, just dig down directly, and you will definitely be able to dig the source mine." Hunting Sky Eagle said with confidence.

Seeing that it was so affirmative, Yun Chujiu asked the little silly eagle to find a place to land.

  The huge mountain range, Yun Chujiu couldn't start for a while, could it be true that he had to dig down with a **** and a hoe?

   At this moment, a very excited voice sounded from the divine consciousness: "Ah! I have to sleep, why do I have so many companions?

  Come, come, come, let's fight one by one!

  Let’s start with that duck! "

  The hunter was so angry that a honey badger would dare to talk to it like this. It's really looking for death!

  It was the Invincible Honey Badger who was talking. It had been dormant for a long time, and finally woke up.

  Er Gouzi said in a hurry: "Little fairy, it's an expert at piercing holes. Let it dig down to see if there is a source mine."

   Yun Chujiu was reminded by it, and hurriedly released the Invincible Honey Badger.

   Seeing the Invincible Honey Badger, she was a little dazed, and said hurriedly: "You go down to see if there is a source mine..."

   Fearing that the Invincible Honey Badger didn’t know what the source mine was, she took out a puppet and said, “It’s similar to this, and the energy is stronger than this.”

  Invincible Honey Badger nodded: "Okay, but when I come back, you have to let me fight them one by one."

  Yun Chujiu agreed, urging it to go down quickly.

  The Invincible Honey Badger was also happy, and started to dig the soil with his claws, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

   Yun Chujiu stared at the entrance of the cave nervously, but the mysterious voice of Ergouzi resounded from the divine consciousness:

   "Little fairy, Xiaodoubao is hiding something from us!"

   Xiaodoubao is the name of the Invincible Honey Badger, Yun Chujiu wondered: "Why do you say that?"

   "There is no chaos here, only puppet yuan, like me and Duclaw, they have very little cultivation base, otherwise they won't stay in the spirit beast bag forever.

   But you see, Xiaodoubao is alive and kicking, it seems that it has no effect at all.

  (End of this chapter)

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