Chapter 10569

  With the joint efforts of the Nine-Ring Firestone and the Silver Little Snake, the Invincible Honey Badger has finally been torn off the light curtain.

After    retreated to a safe range, the silver snake breathed a sigh of relief, and then coldly looked at the invincible honey badger:

   "Do you have anything to say?"

  The Invincible Honey Badger lowered her head, without saying a word.

  The Nine-Ring Flame Stone thought of the differential treatment he had received in Yunchujiu, and suddenly became so angry that he cursed:

   "You are a wolf-hearted thing! Thanks to our efforts to save you, we won't even tell the truth."

  The Invincible Honey Badger still lowered his head: "I have absolutely no two-heartedness towards the master, it's just that I have my problems."

  At the end, it added: "I will make it clear in front of the master."

  Nine-ring firestone snorted coldly, and said flatteringly to the silver snake: "My lord, look, what do we do next?"

  The little silver snake said to the Invincible Honey Badger: "You widen the hole and bring her in."

  Invincible Honey Badger agreed and began to widen the hole.

   Yun Chujiu was in a hurry, when the Invincible Honey Badger came out, and also widened the hole.

   Yun Chujiu had no time to ask carefully, and quickly followed inside.

   Yun Chujiu was also shocked when he saw the light curtain. This thing must be related to changes in the outside world.

  The nine-ring flame stone said in a strange way: "Don't look at that thing for now, or just ask what happened to Xiaodoubao?

  Hmph, if it weren't for the great efforts of adults and I, it might have been hung on the light curtain. "

   Yun Chujiu actually discovered just now that the Invincible Honey Badger didn't dare to look at her. At first glance, she had done something wrong, and Er Gouzi was right.

   She looked down at the Invincible Honey Badger: "Go ahead, what's the matter?"

  Invincible Honey Badger lowered his head, tears fell.

  Nine-Ring Firestone thought, huh, it's still pitiful, shameless!

  "Master, I have absolutely no double heart for you, I have no choice but to do this.

  In fact, I have been entangled whether to tell the truth.

  Now I want to understand, I am willing to tell you everything.

  Just beg you not to abandon me, even if I don’t fight for the rest of my life. "The Invincible Honey Badger said choked.

  Nine-ring flame stone aside with yin and yang weirdness: "Tsk tusk, now I am willing? That's because things have been exposed, okay?!

  If there is another one, is it a punishment for not to fight for a lifetime? I think you are being lazy and deliberately not wanting to help your master when you are in danger. "

  Invincible Honey Badger raised her head and glared at the Jiuhuan Firestone. If it weren't in a bad mood, she would fight with the broken stone for anything.

   "Oh, what's the matter? Do you want to fight with me? You are really a typical example of enmity and revenge!

  It’s so bad that I just saved you with all my strength. I knew you were a white-eyed wolf and I didn’t care about you. "The Nine Ring Flame Stone said.

  The silver snake said coldly: "Shut up!"

  Nine-ring firestone: "..."

  It is so pathetic!

  It is clearly not it that made the mistake, why do you scold it?

  Can people's hearts be biased like this? !

  The little silver snake said to the Invincible Honey Badger: "You use your divine sense to talk to her, lest there be ears on the wall."

  The Nine-Ring Firestone is more sour this time. Is it because the wall has ears?

  No, it can also hear what Xiaodoubao says through its divine sense, but the evil star cannot hear it. It is estimated that it is the controller of the light curtain.

  At this time, it heard the invincible honey badger say to Yun Chujiu with his spiritual sense: "Master, do you remember the "The Spiritual Book of All Things" that the bad woman found?"

  (End of this chapter)

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