Chapter 1062 The monster egg riot

After the money tutor finished speaking, he began to teach the people how to try to establish contact with the demon's gods. The money tutor said that it is very easy to understand, but when everyone actually operates, they find that it is not the case at all.

Due to the limited number of monster eggs, everyone is connected in batches.

The first batch of students practiced for a long time, and they looked depressed. No matter how they communicated, the monsters did not react at all.

Yin Sulian said dissatisfiedly: "The money tutor, these monsters will not be mentally indifferent at all? Otherwise, there is no reaction at all."

The money tutor frowned. "I told you before, don't think about it. It's impossible to succeed without thousands of exercises. Your future beasts are basically practicing how to connect with them."

Some people have no interest in the beastly surgery. It has been so boring to practice with such an egg in a few months.

After the money tutor saw it, he shook his head slightly, and he could not overcome such a difficulty. It was not the material of the beastly surgery.

The first few clouds were placed in the last batch. She was so bored that she waited for other small sheds to curiously observe the monster eggs.

"Dog tail, you can attract monsters, can you attract the monster eggs?" Yun Yun curiously asked the strange grass inside Dan Tian.

The weeds are very disdainful to hook the leaves!

Then, the whole yard was messed up!

Almost all of the fascinating monster eggs have been desperately striking the battle. They want to escape from the formation. The most sad reminder is the students who are trying to establish contact. The monster eggs suddenly fly and hit them. Was caught by surprise, Yin Xuecheng was the most sad reminder, was hit by a monster egg on the bridge of the nose, suddenly **** face, very embarrassing.

Everyone was a glimpse first, then panicked and shouted: "Is this crazy? Is it a violent beast? Is it scary!"

"Dog tail! You are an idiot! I just ask you, who made you really hands? Hurry and let me stop!" Yunchu 玖 this goods know that he is in trouble, for fear that the monster eggs are rushing towards her, and quickly let the blame Hold the hand in the grass.

The weird grass swayed, it seems that it is a fact that the monster egg can not escape its claws, but it still stopped the smell of the monster.

The monster eggs are crazy looking for the source of the fragrance, but what I didn’t expect was that the fragrance stopped suddenly and disappeared!

The violent monster eggs gradually quieted down, and dozens of monster eggs that had already flown out of the shed were caught by the money instructor and the mentor of the guard yard.

Yin Xuecheng yelled at his nose and yelled: "Is this monster of the monsters crazy?! Is your arrangement here a decoration? My nose is broken!"

The instructor who is responsible for guarding the yard is very ugly. Whoever is so embarrassed is not happy. He said with dissatisfaction: "This classmate, you should pay attention to some of the things. If the formation is a display, those monsters will have been rushed. Come out, and why are you injured if other students are not injured? Could it be that you caused the anger of the monster?"

Yin Xuecheng said with anger: "How can I cause the anger of the monster eggs? I just follow the money tutor to establish contact with these monster eggs."

The money tutor said faintly: "Yin Xuecheng, this is just an accident. Don't you just apologize to Du Tutor?"

(End of this chapter)

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