Chapter 1079 Purple Small Needle

The instructor said with a smile: "You probably don't know?! The items that the primary spiritual materialization illusion will not change the shape, but the state is getting more and more solid, getting closer and closer to the real thing! Only spiritual materialization When the surgery reaches the intermediate level, it will materialize the other items again."

The cloud lingered for a while, then rounded his eyes and asked: "When you send a tutor, what you mean is not to say that I can only materialize a needle before I learn intermediate materialization?"

Although the tutor did not want to fight against the cloud, he smiled and nodded. "Yes, before you learn the intermediate materialization, you can only materialize a needle, and intermediate materialization requires the spirit level. Learn."

The beginning of the cloud is simply crying, and the excitement just turned into frustration!

by! Originally, when she felt that she was against the enemy, it was enough to shame with a rolling pin. I didn’t expect that people would use the needle to meet the enemy in the future. She could only use a needle to meet the enemy. Is the picture so touching? !

Sending the instructor to see the expression of sadness and reminder in the beginning of the cloud, I have to comfort: "You don't have to be too sad. When you have intermediate materialization, you can materialize something else. As for tomorrow afternoon, I will go find it. Mo Han search."

At the beginning of the cloud, Shake shook his head: "When you send a tutor, you don't have to look for Mo Han. I really have a way for Yin Sulian to give up the test. You believe me."

When I saw Yunchu, I said a serious face and said: "If this is the case, then I will go back first. If you can't solve it, come back to me."

At the beginning of the cloud, he nodded. "You can rest assured that I will not be stubborn."

After sending the tutor, he left the courtyard of Yunchu, and shook his head out of the yard. I don’t know if she had any way for Yin Sulian to give up the test. This little girl has a lot of ideas, maybe there is a way to do it. Only she actually materialized a needle. This little girl can't be laughed at by people afterwards. After all, how powerful is a needle? It must be the weakest materialization technique, not as good as it is!

At the beginning of the cloud, I sent away the tutor, and practiced the materialization technique over and over again. Every time I made it out, it was still a fine needle with purple. Although the state became more and more solid, the special re-solidification was only one. Needle!

At the beginning of the cloud, I laughed at myself. When I was against the enemy in the future, I said to others: "Hey! Need to mend clothes? I will help you make up!"

Or: "Hey! Close your mouth! Or I will sew your mouth!"

The more I think about the beginning of the cloud, the more I feel that the future is not bright, this shameful thing is not as good as it is!

The little black bird turned to the mung bean eye: "Master, do you want to try this power? In case this needle can not be seen!"

At the beginning of the cloud, I thought about it. In case this small force is big, I will get a big stone from the storage ring, and then shoot the materialized purple small against the big stone!

One person and three pets stared at the purple needle, and saw that the purple needle quickly rushed to the big stone, then shot into the big stone, and then, no more.

The purple needle is like a muddy sea. Except for a small eye on the big stone, there is no impact on the big stone.

At the beginning of the cloud, the mind suddenly emerged a picture: After Yin Sulian attacked the Lingshi with the materialized sword, the measuring stone showed a few hundred numerical attack power. After she attacked the Lingshi, the above presented a certain special It is zero!


(End of this chapter)

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