Chapter 1085 Tested Lingshi Blasted

"Old Jiang’s head, this little girl has repeatedly surprised us. I believe this time will be the same. You will wait and see, this little girl must have a move, otherwise the expression will not be so calm."

The two old men are Vice Dean Xiao and Vice President Jiang. They were the two mentor at the beginning of the third round of the test.

Vice President Jiang listened to Vice President Xiao’s words: “Old Xiao, you are too confident about this little girl?! A needle is more powerful, can have...”

When Vice President Jiang’s voice did not fall, he heard a loud bang!

Then all the people were in the same place.

The measuring stone actually exploded! Blasted! Now!

What does this mean?

It shows that the attack power of the needle at the beginning of the cloud is more than a thousand of attack power. How is this possible? !

Everyone looked at the display screen, but the above is a row of question marks, apparently due to the explosion of the stone.

When everyone was stunned, Yin Sulian panicked and shouted: "There must be a fault in the Lingshi! It must be like this! Zhuang tutor, is it that the test stone itself has a crack?"

Zhuang’s tutor said with dissatisfaction: “I have checked the Lingshi between the use and it’s intact. It’s impossible to have a problem with the Lingshi.”

"It’s not a problem with the Lingshi. Is it possible for a needle that has been materialized by the cloud to reach more than a thousand attacks? This is a big joke!" Yin Sulian’s face turned red and she could not believe it. The facts arrived.

Someone shouted below the test bench: "Yeah, how can a needle have such a great power? It must be a problem with the test stone! Re-test it again!"

"Yes! Re-test again, otherwise the results will not convince us!"

"Retest! Retest!"


These people who shouted were basically the followers of Yin Sulian and Yin Xinlian. Of course, they did not want to win the game at the beginning of the cloud, so they tried to retest.

"Okay! If this is the case, then this time I will re-test with the intermediate level Lingshi, Yin Sulian, you have re-tested it again!" In fact, Zhuang Tutor is also hesitant in his heart, although he did check the Lingshi before, but the cloud was first How can a materialized needle exceed one thousand attacks? Is it really that I was overlooked when I checked?

Yin Sulian glanced at the beginning of the cloud: "Hey, just let you take advantage of it, this time you will be in the original shape."

At the beginning of the cloud, I screamed: "Is it the original shape? I am not a fairy, but it is still the original! Yin Sulian, I am a good person. If you give up now, I will agree."

Yun Chuan said this, Yin Sulin is more certain that it must be the reason for measuring the Lingshi, and said with disdain: "You can't think about it! A needle actually wants to compare with my sword, it is a joke!"

"Oh! Well, since you want to give me a confession, I can't stop you anymore." Yun said with a smile.

Yin Sulian saw that the calm smile of Yun’s first smile was a little hairy. Could it be that the needle that she materialized had such a great power? No, she must be loaded, this is simply not possible!

Yin Sulian calmed down her mind and went to the designated attack area to attack the intermediate level Lingshi. The materialized sword stabbed the intermediate level.

The display quickly showed the result of the attack: 510, even more than 10 points of attack power.

Yin Sulian’s mouth showed a smug smile. This time, it’s better than the last time. At the beginning of the cloud, you lost!

(End of this chapter)

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