Chapter 1092 The monster is crazy

"The beginning of the cloud, I heard that you have cleaned the animal house before, just as I need to clean it here, you stay to help me clean, rest assured, I will not use you, I will reward you with a hundred points of contribution."

A hundred points of contribution?

At the beginning of the cloud, the eyes suddenly shine. The library building of Tianyuan College needs to spend a certain contribution point to enter, and the channel for the first-year freshmen to get a contribution point is limited. If you can get 100 contribution points, you can enter the library several times. This sale is very worth it! Anyway, idle is also idle, dry!

At the beginning of the cloud, I thought of it here. I nodded happily. After greeting the three people, I took a self-made anti-virus mask and took the cleaning tools prepared by the white tutor. I began to clean the shed of the monster eggs.

When Yunchu was seriously cleaning, suddenly, several monsters and beasts broke through the array and all of them smashed toward the beginning of the cloud...

At the beginning of the cloud, I was caught in a dilemma. Although these monster eggs have not yet hatched, so many of the monster eggs will actually hit her, she will also die.

However, if she attacks with the spirit, these monster eggs have not yet reached the time of breaking the shell. If these monster eggs are crushed, they will die, and then they will be punished.

All of this happened between the electric and the flint, and the cloud made a quick decision, that is, running!

The beginning of the cloud rushed out of the courtyard door, rushing all the way, running and blaming the grass: "Rely! Dog tail! Is it your ghost?! Hurry to stop me!"

The weird grass trembles indecently, especially, what does it do? !

Not a weed?

The beginning of the cloud soon reminded me of some things. The original Du tutor was replaced by this white tutor, and she took the initiative to let her help clean up. Before that, Wu Heng also let go of the rumor, is this for her bureau? ! This must be the case, otherwise how can the battle of the beast egg be broken? !

Either she was seriously injured by the monster egg, or she ruined the eggs, no matter which one is the end of her disadvantage, Mom, **** Wu Heng, you wait, I can't spare you!

Although Yun Yunyi had turned a few thoughts in his heart, he still ran at his feet and soon rushed out of the Lingyuan Garden.

The passing students and tutors are all forced!


What's happening here?

I saw the first flight of the cloud in front, and a large group of monsters and beasts were chasing after them. Those small animals were only small in size, and even larger than the first ones, not only white but also red. Yellow, green...

At the beginning of the cloud, I ran around and said: "Let's go! Let's go! Let's get out! These monsters are crazy! Help me to send a letter to the money tutor, thank you!"

Everyone looks at each other, Emma, ​​is the first time to see such a spectacle, what is going on? ! How can the monster beast keep chasing the cloud?

Is it really crazy? !

No, even if it is crazy, it should be attacked indiscriminately. How can it only attack a cloud?

What I didn’t know at the beginning of the cloud was that the white tutor was also forced!

He did get the order of Wu’s mentor to clean up the clouds. He secretly sprinkled some of the tools on the tools that were fatally attractive to the monsters, and made some hands and feet on the formation. You are either killed by a monster or killed or provoked a disaster.

However, he did not think that the first time the cloud had reacted so quickly, and even rushed out of the yard directly, and the one that ran was called a fast, and he had no time to react. What he didn't even think of was that the monster eggs actually flew out...

(End of this chapter)

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