Chapter 1095 Double Union

After Yun’s first appearance of the court of Huangfu’s dean, I saw a lot of onlookers eating melons. This eyeball turned and turned to the crowd: “Everyone, just ask everyone to be a witness, a few days ago. Wu Heng, a graded class, didn't ask for a face and I tried to test the beast. I didn't agree. However, after this crazy animal, I decided to promise him a test, otherwise my life would be hard to protect!"

The people who eat melons are a bit aggressive at first. I don’t know what it means to say this in the beginning of the cloud. There is a clever one, and whispered: "Ah! I understand! You think, who is Wu Heng’s uncle?"

"Wu Heng's uncle? Is his uncle not the Wu tutor of the Spirit Garden?"

"This is not going to end! Why is the monster beast crazy for no reason?! Think about it!"

"Ah! Is it because the cloud did not agree with Wu Heng's test request, so Wu Tutor, ah, I didn't say anything!"

"You and I know what you know, and this is a forced helplessness. You can only promise Wu Heng's test, or else something is not necessarily there!"


In the beginning of the cloud, the student who spoke at the beginning gave a hundred and twenty praises, talent! What she wants is this effect. Although she can't find the evidence that Wu's uncle is harming her, she first created the public opinion and then convicted with only one opportunity.

Wu Heng is also in the crowd. Hearing everyone's arguments is almost mad, and he crowded out the crowd and said: "What do you mean by the beginning of the cloud?"

At the beginning of the cloud, I looked awkward and looked scared. "Wu Heng, I don't mean anything. I promised you to ask for it. I really don't want to be attacked by the monster eggs."

"You! What is your relationship with the attack of the beast and the egg?! Is it that you are not framed by me?" Wu Heng said guiltyly.

"I didn't say it, this is what you said! Classmates, you must use me as a warning. Some people really can't offend, or else it's hard to keep a little life!" Yun said with pity. .

When the people who eat melons listened to the words of the beginning of the cloud, most people glared at Wu Heng! People are sympathetic to the weak, especially when they all saw that the cloud was smashed by the monsters, and they were dissatisfied with Wu’s uncle. Do you have the right to be able to frame others? ? ! It’s too much!

Wu Hengqi's teeth and teeth, he knows that his own mouth is nothing more than the beginning of the cloud, he sneered: "The beginning of the cloud, good, since you promised my test, then we will try again three days later! Spiritual Garden has In the animal farm, when we choose a 16th-order monster, let them complete the prescribed instructions. Whoever wins the first will win, and the loser will admit the mistake and compensate the two million top grades. ”

At the beginning of the cloud, my eyes turned and I licked my mouth. "Hey, how do I listen to this condition so familiar? Isn't this the bet that I and Yin Sulian have to try?! Do you like Yin Sulian?! No, you should like Yin Xinlian. Yes, hey, I really want to eat swan meat! I guess, people Yin Xinlian don’t look at you at a glance?! It’s awkward to make a fuss for someone else!”

Wu Heng's face turned red, and the gas almost fainted: "You, you nonsense! Basically, it is not what you said! I just can't understand you."

"Hey, this face is also red, and the words are stuttering. I still don't admit it?! In fact, the two of you are quite fit, and they are all models of shameless! The students in the third grade of the class have challenged me this new life. It’s really awkward!” said Yun Xiaoxiao, who smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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