Chapter 1098 Library Building

The monsters in the virtual world are much more delicious than the outside, and the four eaten a mouthful of oil.

"Hey, master, you plan, hey, what should I do?" The little blackbird snorted and asked Yun.

"There is still no more than two days. I will practice again. If you can't do it, you will be jealous. In short, I can't give it to the idiot!"

"Hey, master, why do you have to agree with the Wu Heng test? Our odds are not big!" asked the little blackbird.

"Hey! Today's things must be the traps that Wu's uncle gave me. Since they have already made a move, I would rather take the initiative to avoid being passive. That Wu Heng hates me now, and I will definitely do it when I try." At that time, maybe the Wu tutor will be involved, and I will be able to double-edged." Yun said at a glance.

The three little black birds stunned, and their black-hearted masters seemed to be getting darker and darker. They must be embarrassed in the future, otherwise they must not eat and walk.

"Master, although your thoughts are good, but what about this test? And that Wu Heng has to move his hands and feet, when you are injured, what should I do?" The little black bird said cautiously.

"What you said makes sense. However, I haven't thought of any good ideas for the time being. Anyway, there are still two days. If you don't worry, just take a nap and say it again." After the cloud was finished, he yawned and went to sleep.

The three stupid people looked at each other. This is really big enough. It is estimated that the sky will not get angry.

The next morning was a spiritual class. The beginning of the cloud was like nothing, and the fart went to the classroom.

After class, the instructor sent the first call to the cloud: "For your comparison with Wu Heng, do you have a chance in your heart?"

Since the last conversation on the test bench, it seems that the instructor has changed, and the clothes on her body have begun to become neat, but that is all.

At the beginning of the cloud, he shook his head honestly: "Not yet."

"Do you need my help?"

"Not needed for the time being, thank you for your tutor."

"Well, then you should be more careful." After the mentor said it, he just left.

At the beginning of the cloud, I touched my nose, Emma. Is this reassuring to her or giving up treatment for her? So I left it?

At the beginning of the cloud, I remembered the value of the two hundred contributions I had just received, and decided to go to the library building of Tianyuan College to see if I could find any inspiration.

The goods went to the library building and saw the three-story building that was inconspicuous in front of me. I couldn’t help but wonder, and the library building of Tianyuan College was too cold. ! This collection of books does not yet have the style of the collection of Linghuazong!

After Yun Chuan handed over the identity jade card to the tutor who was in charge of the library building, he walked into the library building and saw the scene inside and could not help but marvel, this is the case!

The original three-story small building has another Qiankun, which is equivalent to a large mustard space. After entering, the corresponding floor will be transmitted, which is very convenient.

At the beginning of the cloud, the books of the beasts were selected and immediately transferred to the corresponding fourth floor.

The bookshelf is full of jade slips and sheepskin books about the beastly surgery. The cloud is holding the principle of being able to kill one thousand and not letting one go, and looks at it from the beginning.

This book is almost the same as a book, hey, I quickly read a row of books, and then began to look at the second row...

(End of this chapter)

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