Chapter 1141 cannot be wasted

The lady of the lord visited the places in a symbolic manner, and then she made a speech. The dean of the emperor left a few words, and the wife of the lord of the temple had already given up and decided to give up.

The crowd surrounded the lady of the house to the gate of Tianyuan College. The lady of the temple went to the flying spirit. The cloud screamed at the beginning of the cloud and shouted: "Hey, goodbye! I will miss you! Love you!"

The lady of the house is squatting, this little madman is too shameless!

The lady of the temple did not know what she was thinking of. She turned her head and said to the beginning of the cloud: "Cultivate well, lest you not come to life."

At the beginning of the cloud, there was a series of words in the head: the prodigal son turned back the gold and did not change, the sincerity to the stone was opened, and there were people who had a will, and there was no difficulty in the world.

Emma, ​​old witch, is this caring about her? Really scared, is there? !

At the beginning of the cloud, I was about to express my excitement. The flight spirit of my wife’s wife has already flown far away...

At the beginning of the cloud, the symbolic wave of his paws, and then quickly rushed into the Tianyuan College, flying all the way.

Everyone’s face is incomprehensible. How fast is it for the hair?

At the beginning of the cloud, all the way to the living room, the college's miscellaneous service was not notified, so it was not cleaned. This goods all the spirits and cakes were put into the storage ring, even the snow and cashmere carpet on the ground. After letting go, the roll and roll also received the storage ring.

The emperor and other princes who arrived later, twitched in the corner of the eye, and the financial fans did not have any of them!

At the beginning of the cloud, people were smashed into the current situation. Without any embarrassment, they said with a big word: "Waste is not right. I have a virtue of saving family from childhood."


When the cloud was first bubbling, when it was bubbling, I felt that the sky was a little dark, and my heart was moving. Could it be embarrassing again? When the goods came out of the house, they looked up and saw that the dark clouds began to gather. The sky was quickly gloomy and the pressure on the clouds became more and more serious.

At the beginning of the cloud, the little face suddenly smoked: "The dean, it seems that I have to smash the thunder again, you must help me, otherwise my life will be finished."

Dean Huang Huang naturally understood the subtext in the early days of the cloud, and said: "Come to my yard, I will help you to pick up a few."

Dean Huangfu said to the rest of the people: "Yes, the power of the thunder is too great. In order to prevent accidents, you should not approach my yard."

Since the last time, everyone saw the miserable deputy of Vice-President Yin, and did not dare to rely too close to the president of the Imperial Court. I was afraid that it would be accidentally injured by the unreliable Tianlei.

Although Vice President Yin was very embarrassed last time, he always felt that there was a bit of a greasy look inside, so he was still standing in the courtyard of the Huangfu Dean’s yard.

Dean Huangfu broke into the yard with Yunchu and opened the isolation array.

At the beginning of the cloud, I looked back and said that I had been reluctant to return to the ground. "The dean is really embarrassed. I am afraid that your yard will suffer again today."

Dean Huangfu’s face smiled: “As long as you don’t ruin my house, although you have a special constitution, you should be careful.”

At the beginning of the cloud, he nodded. He said indifferently: "The dean, you are relieved. Although this thunder seems to be quite powerful, it is actually the same thing. Right, the last baked potato. Is the taste very good? I will bake you a few more today to compensate for the loss of your yard."

(End of this chapter)

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