Chapter 1202 Large Coffin

"Head, even if this person is dead, there should be a corpse, why is it gone? You can't use the hidden character here. Where did she go?"

The leading masked person is also puzzling, and the places where he can search are all searched, but there has never been the whereabouts of the stinky girl. How can this person disappear from the air?

He suddenly pointed his eyes to the cliff, was it that the little girl had died and fell to the cliff? He walked over to the edge of the cliff and looked down. The next cloud was lingering and he couldn't see anything. He bit his teeth: "We are divided into two ways, half of which continues on the search, and the other half as I walk from the other side to the cliff. Let’s take a look. The stinky cockroach is poisonous and has fallen to the cliff."

The first person in the cloud on the cliff wall heard the masked hooded man saying so, the heart is dark, relying on! Really! She must think of something, or else they will come below, without the cloud cover, they will find her!

At the beginning of the cloud, the black mouse was released, letting it start digging holes on the cliff. When the hole was dug, the cloud was hidden in the inside, and the hole in the hole was blocked, and it was still pulled. A few vines were used as cover to look out through small gaps.

The leading masked man detoured under the cliff, and did not find the corpse of the cloud, he was even more suspicious. Where did this stinky head go?

He really looked at the cliffs of the cliff. In addition to the vines and the sparse herbs, there was no shadow of the clouds. Besides, it was forbidden to fly, and the stinky head could not hang on the cliff!

The leading masked man searched for a while and finally left the disappointment.

At the beginning of the cloud, there was no rush to go out. Who knows if these people will hide where they are waiting for her self-investment? She is waiting in this hole, Feng Ming, they will definitely send a letter to Vice President Xiao, and when they get to the vicinity, she will go out again, so that they can be foolproof.

In order to live for a long time, the cloud scorpion let the black rat expand the hole. The black rat digs the hole very hard, and the cloud squats in this hole.

Every day, in addition to eating and sleeping, it is cultivation. In the blink of an eye, three days have passed. This kind of hospitality is a bit boring, so I decided to relax, take out a book from the storage ring, and sit on the innermost cliff. this.

Seeing interesting places, this product is excited and straightforward, and then sad reminder!

The place where her lame was collapsed, and the whole person fell vertically in the beginning of the cloud.

When Yunchu was planning to climb up with sticky silk, the white light flashed in front of him and he could not see anything.

There is only one thought in the mind of this goods, sad reminder!

When Yunqiu was able to open his eyes, he found himself in a cave. The cave was very spacious, but the creepy thing was that there was a big coffin in the middle of the cave, black lacquered, how to look How to infiltrate people.

Of course, I don’t want to wait for more here, but I found that I couldn’t find an exit. I want to come here to have a law. Then you can only find the platoon, but where is this platter?

When Yun Yun searched the entire cave and found no formation, she set her eyes on the big coffin. I am afraid that this array is inside or below this coffin, although she is very reluctant to move this thing, but in order to be able to go out It can only be done.

(End of this chapter)

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