Chapter 1212 has good things for him.

A few moments later, several instructors responsible for statistical achievements exclaimed, and everyone looked at them inexplicably.

The mentor did not speak, but showed the results of the twenty-five people at the beginning of the cloud, and everyone was shocked.

Well, the scores of these twenty-five people are more than the scores of two hundred and fifty people. How is this possible?

Mo Han looked for three people and also personally examined the small intestines, and sure enough, these demon and elixir were newly picked within half a month, which shows that they did not cheat at the beginning of the cloud.

At the beginning of the cloud, I sighed: "Actually, my person is the best. I think that our team has wasted a lot of time and made so many spoils. It is really a blow to people, so I agreed to Xiao Xiaoyuan. Long advice. I didn’t expect that you actually asked to be beaten, then we are only welcome!"

Although everyone was pumping in the air, the facts were there. At the beginning of the cloud, they not only did not rank in the last 50, but also became the top 25, which is good, not only need not be fired, but also get The contribution point of the reward.

After half a day, several instructors who went to check the array returned, and they found traces of people coming in at the edge. This also proved that they did not lie at the beginning of the cloud.

Those who used to make irresponsible remarks suddenly turned red, and they felt that their faces were burning and burning, and they couldn’t find a place to sneak in.

Vice President Xiao has already seen the people, and he ordered to return to Tianyuan College.

Some people on the flying spirits are happy, and the students who passed the exam are naturally very happy. The 50 students who are about to be eliminated are dejected and their emotions are very low.

The students of the yellow-word class can be convinced of the gratitude of Yunchu. If there is no demon and elixir secretly given to them, it is likely that they will be eliminated.

At noon five days later, the flying spirits arrived at Tianyuan College.

When everyone just got off the flight, the cloud said with a smile: "Classmates, if you have nothing, just follow me and watch the fun! Make sure to look good!"

Everyone is unclear, so the beginning of the cloud is what it is to be famous. Anyway, it is easy to finish the middle of the year, and follow her to see it.

Yunchu said to the students of the yellow-word class: "Help me create a little atmosphere and attract more talents. This is a big good show!"

The students of the yellow-word class are trying to repay the first time of the cloud. Now they can get down the opportunity. One by one, they will fight like a chicken, and they will beat the drums and tell the world.

Soon after the beginning of the cloud, there were a lot of people gathered. Even Vice President Xiao and others were curious. What kind of medicine is sold in this cloud gourd?

Everyone came to the outside of the courtyard with the beginning of the cloud. Did everyone see that this was not the courtyard of Vice President Yin? What did the cloud come to do here? Is it related to Vice President Yin?

Vice-President Yin’s dean also had guards outside the courtyard. Yun’s first sighed at him: “The guardian brother, the trouble is passed, and I said that I have good things to give to Vice President Yin, let him come out and receive it. ""

Yin Sulian squeezed from the crowd: "The beginning of the cloud, what do you want to find my grandfather? I am definitely not at ease!"

"Yin Sulian, you can swear at me, I am giving good things to Vice President Yin, and you will open your eyes in a moment, don't worry!"

"Hey! I want to see what medicine is sold in your gourd! Be careful not to take it!" Yin Surin sneered.

The first smile of the cloud is a long smile: "Yin Sulian, I think you are still cool and where to stay, otherwise the next thing will make your life have a shadow!"

(End of this chapter)

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