Chapter 1218 is really shameless.

Luo Guanwu had to open the door. The cloud rushed into the room with the light, and then closed the door and took out the isolation disk. Then he smiled and said: "I am very busy with you, do you have to help you so much? What do you say?"

Luo Guanzheng’s face was so eager that he only reacted for a long time, and quickly transferred the 200,000 Shangpin Lingshi to the Yunchu: "Miss Jiu, this, you are holding this Lingshi."

At the beginning of the cloud, I screamed: "The 200,000 people are mine. I borrowed you as a bait. You fished so big fish, and you swallowed it yourself? 900,000 Lingshi, why don't you divide me? Half?"



Luo Guanzheng feels that people are shameless to this realm and there is no one! She felt that the beginning of the cloud completely refreshed her perception of cheeky. Can people actually be shameless to such a degree?

At the beginning of the cloud, I saw the arrogance of Luo Guan’s face. I said with dissatisfaction: "How can you be so greedy? If I have raised the price, they will give you a reward every time, now you Half of me, you have so much left! People can't be too greedy, hurry, transfer me to 450,000, and 500,000."

Luo Guanzhi was confused and transferred 450,000 to Yunchu, and then he saw Yunxiao’s smile and said: “This is right! Do business with integrity! This time we are very happy, next time. Continue to cooperate!"

Luo Guanwu until the beginning of the cloud took out the room for a while to slow down, shameless! It is too shameless! Did you say a few words? Why do you take away 450,000 Lingshi?

Qin Mingzhu, they gave me Lingshi, it is in the face of the lady of the temple, what do you have to do with you?

Luo Guan took up the voice to report the matter to the wife of the Lord, and the wife of the lord listened to the gas, and this little waste was really greedy and shameless! You wait, wait until I am on the site, see how I can clean you up!

At the beginning of the cloud, I made a small profit and I was in a good mood. Looking at the three "love rivals" was also a lot of pleasing.

"The road is boring, I have a good-looking words here, the three school sisters can't see?" Yunchu smiled and asked Qin Mingzhu three people.

Bailiyan said happily: "Really? What is the story?"

"Of course, it’s a good-looking story. I usually reluctant to lend it to others." Yun said that he took out a copy of the book and gave Qin Mingzhu a copy of each.

The three looked down and suddenly looked red and sullen. Yin Xinlian turned the words to the beginning of the cloud: "The beginning of the cloud! You, you don't know shame! You can see this kind of words!" Qin Mingzhu and Bai Liyan also I have thrown the words to the beginning of the cloud, and disagreed with it: "Yun Xuemei, how can you read this kind of words? Actually, it is a bad war!"

"I really don't know people's hearts, don't look down, I look at it, you just rely on it!" Cloud was very pity in the heart, I thought they liked to watch, but they also made a fortune, but did not expect it to be Like, it really won't be aesthetic!

Qin Mingzhu three people looked at the fascinating cloud of the first look, the people in the lower interface were really rough, a little girl actually looked at the words, really do not know shame.

Yin Xinlian’s heart was a move, and the wife of the lord had hated the beginning of the cloud. She tried to reveal the things of Yun’s first reading to the lady of the temple. The lady of the lord would definitely hate her more. The shelter of the Lord's wife, it is easy to kill her.

(End of this chapter)

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