Chapter 1226, come to a hug of love.

The next morning, when Yunchu was still asleep, I heard the sound of the incident outside the yard: "Miss Jiu, the wife of the temple passed you."

At the beginning of the cloud, I was impatient and shouted: "I haven't got up yet! What are you shouting? Waiting outside!"

Luo Guan shrinks his neck, and the three ladies heard that the lady of the house was summoned. Which one is not a fart? This is good, not only not diligent but also impatient.

Although Luo Guanzhi spit in his heart, he did not dare to say more, especially when he thought of the two ghost characters on the face of Liu Ye, he did not dare to say more.

After half an hour, Yunchu finally came out, and yawned and said: "Is your longevity hall so early? Is it easy to put a vacation, even a lazy sleep, I even have breakfast Didn't eat it!"

Luo Guan thought a bit and said: "Miss Nine, in the morning, Liu Ye came to the lady of the house to cry, saying that you ruined her appearance, the wife of the temple was angry, and this called you four ladies."

At the beginning of the cloud, I naturally understood that Luo Guanzheng was pleading with myself. He nodded and said: "I guess I was eager to see me, so I was summoned to see me through this introduction. It is really hard."

Luo Guanzhen's face is a stiff, narcissistic to this extent is no one! Anyway, anyway, I should remind you that you can’t go to my heart.

At this time, in the living room, the lady of the main house was like a water, and when I took a table, the three slammed a big jump. I only heard the lady of the house anger and said: "It’s not like it! It’s not like it! It’s too disappointing! It’s been half an hour, and this cloud hasn’t come yet! It’s too much to put this lady in the eye!”

Qin Mingzhu and Bai Liyan did not speak, Yin Xinlian softly counted: "Mrs. Madame, Yun Xuemei may have overslept, after all, she was in the dining hall yesterday."

The wife of the lord heard Yin Xinlian say this, even more angry: "Going to other people's homes, not waiting well, even screaming at the owner's dining hall, beating the maid, it is too unruly!"

There is a glimmer of smugness in the eyes of the willows on the ground. When you are at the beginning of the cloud, you are really dead. The grind is still not here. You are waiting to bear the anger of the lady of the house!

When the wife of the lord was angry and wanted to give a voice to the manager, she heard someone shouting cheerfully: "Hey, I want to die of you! Hey, come on, let us have a hug of love." !"

As the voice of the delicate figure rushed in, and rushed to the front of the lady of the temple, seeing that the situation really wants to hold the wife of the lord, the wife of the lord was scared, and hurriedly shouted: "Stop!"

The beginning of the cloud suddenly stopped, and looked at the grievances to the lady of the temple: "Hey, Xiaojiu wants to die for you! How do you feel so cold to me? It is so sad!"

The lady of the temple slowed down and shouted: "Let me come to this one! Go back!"

At the beginning of the cloud, he stepped back and took a few steps back. The grievance said: "Hey, we haven't seen you for more than a month, you don't hurt Xiaojiu?"

"Let's spend a lot of words! I ask you, why did you beat the willows yesterday? You a guest who beat the hostess of the host family, there is no rule!" The lady of the house shouted, not disguising the disgust and dissatisfaction with the cloud.

Yin Xinlian was happy in her heart. The lady of the temple did not like the beginning of the cloud. As long as I pushed the waves again, Yun Yunyi would definitely be driven out of the Changsheng Hall.

Qin Mingzhu and Bai Liyan are a kind of mentality of watching movies. They don’t hate Yun Xinlian’s hatred of the clouds. They feel that they are just a little girl with no background, and they pose no threat to them.

(End of this chapter)

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