Chapter 1232 Xiaojiu Picking Fruits

On this day, Qin Mingzhu invited the Yunchu to go to the garden to turn around.

Although there is no interest in Yunchu, but it is not easy to refuse, Yixing’s three people are hanging around in the garden. This is a heart-wrenching place. What is good about this broken garden? If the fruit trees are long, you can eat at least fruit.

After four people strolled for a while, Yin Xinlian proposed to go to the pavilion for a while, and everyone came to the pavilion.

When the four people just sat down, Dian Cui took the two waiters and brought them a snack.

After a while, Dian Cui said: "The four ladies, although the garden is good, but the time is a little bit boring, it is better to take you to the Lingguo woods than the slaves? There are quite a few Lingguos that have matured. ""

Yin Xinlian immediately echoed: "Lingguoshulin? I have heard that there is a fruit forest in the Changsheng Temple. I haven't been there yet. Look at it."

Qin Mingzhu and Bai Liyan also nodded in agreement, and they didn't mean anything these days. Otherwise, they wouldn't follow Yin Xinlian's suggestion to visit the garden.

“The fruit of the fruit can be picked up at random?” The point of concern for this product is always different from others.

Dian Cui smiled and said: "Nature is ok, and all four are the guests of the Longevity Hall. Of course, picking up a few Lingguo is no problem."

When the cloud first heard it, he suddenly said with a smile: "Let's go! I like to eat the fruit."

"Four ladies, please come with me." Dian Cui turned around and signaled that the four followed her, and there was a hint of haze in her eyes.

Lingguo woods in the northwest corner of the apse of the Changsheng Temple, the people walked for more than half an hour before they came to the Lingguo forest, and they could smell the aroma of Lingguo far away.

At the beginning of the cloud, the horse first rushed to the front, Emma, ​​and such a good place? It is no wonder that there is always a fruit in the small white face storage ring. The original Changsheng Temple has such a large fruit forest!

This cargo is also welcome, picking up a red scorpion fruit and picking it up.

Qin Mingzhu and Bai Liyan looked at each other. This cloud was really a foodie, and there was no threat to them at all.

Dian Cui said with a smile: "Three young ladies, you also choose the fruit that you like to eat, try it, don't be polite."

The three people of Qin Mingzhu took a symbolic one and ate it. The first few clouds were more shameless than they were, and they ate and packed them in the storage ring.

"Four young ladies, there are still seven-star fruit here, the taste is very sweet, come with me." Dian Cui told everyone to follow her.

Everyone turned around and found a few fruit trees with golden yellow fruits.

The golden yellow fruit on the tree exudes a sweet scent, which is very attractive. Close to these fruit trees, it is a wasteland and wild grass.

At the beginning of the cloud, I picked up a seven-star fruit and ate it. I suddenly had a bright eye. I started to shamelessly put the seven-star fruit in the storage ring. This is the first time I saw it. The taste is really good. She is more decorated. .

"Miss Jiu, the seven-star fruit on the branch here is yellow and big. Come here and pick it up!" Point Cui pointed to a fruit tree next to her.

At the beginning of the cloud, I looked up and saw that the seven-star fruit on the tree was yellow and large, and I was happy to start picking the fruit under the tree.

When the cloud was picking up the fruit, the point was green and it was hitting the cloud. Although the cloud was not knocked down, one foot was on the wasteland.

(End of this chapter)

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