Chapter 1248 Life and Death

The beginning of the cloud is a slap in the face: "President, look at your use of the word, these are all my sisters and cowards gave me? They can't wait to give me the Changsheng Temple, but I refused, I Still very self-aware."

The prince of the emperor’s eyes twitched, and you are really shameless!

At the beginning of the cloud, he chatted with the dean of Emperor Huang, and went to his dorm room. This goods side of the shop was a matter of pondering the death of the dead. Just now, the dean of the emperor deliberately told her that the life and death stage can be used by any means. Anyone can use the symbol, the poison, the beast, the battle, and Yin Xinlian is the daughter of the Yin family. Not only does she have many good things, but she is also proficient in the law. I am afraid it will be difficult to get around.

At the beginning of the cloud, the distance and Yin Xinlian’s life and death are less than ten days. She has to hurry to practice and strive to break through again. Even if she can’t catch up with Yin Xinlian, it’s fine to narrow the gap.

Besides, although she has a lot of good things, many of them are not light, otherwise I am afraid that it will cause others to be embarrassed, so she has to think about the best policy.

Two days later, Tianyuan College started school, and the college once again restored the lively scene of the past.

At the beginning of the class, the cloud began to practice, but unfortunately, it was counterproductive. It did not break through until the day before the test. The spiritual power stagnated in the eighth layer of Lingzong.

At the beginning of the cloud, I felt that things were a little bad. Yin Xinlian’s little, sly, and sly was said to have broken through to the second level of Lingsheng. Although she killed many of the monsters in the trial tower, it was not the same.

First of all, in the trial tower, she knew that she could not die, so she was naturally unscrupulous. Secondly, those beasts are smart again. It is also a monster. Yin Xinlian is much smarter, sly and jealous. Finally, in the trial tower, she can use all kinds of means without any scruples, and she should be scrupulous in the life and death stage.

At the beginning of the cloud, she shook her head. Whatever it was, she couldn’t do it. She used her little white face to give her a crack, and she lost both sides. Anyway, she had a weird cheating, and she would surely save her life.

In the afternoon of the next day, almost all the students who did not have any classes at Tianyuan College ran to Tianyuan Square. All the people including Huangfu’s dean and other people also attended the event. This is because the two sides of the life and death stage have special status. Although they can’t help each other, they have to The process is clear. When the relatives of one of the parties come to verify the case, they can also make the process clear.

The time is set in the afternoon, Yin Xinlian has just arrived in the afternoon, and Yun Yunyi has never appeared.

Everyone remembers the performance of the previous two tests before the cloud, and they are not in a hurry. It is estimated that this cloud is intended to be a bit of a point.

Sure enough, when it was time to go, Yun Yunyi walked over under the crowd of the yellow-word classmates. The posture was like a general with a group of men. It was arrogant and arrogant. Victory!

Yin Sulian said coldly: "It’s just pretending to be a slap in the face, and my sister will kill this monk today!"

Suddenly, there was Yin Sulian’s dog leg, which echoed with the sound: “Yes! A Yinzong sister who wants to defeat the second layer of Lingsheng on the second floor of the Lingzong is simply infatuated with ignorance.

"She thought she had passed the trial tower, how awkward, hey, but it was because the spirits let go of her."

"I guess, I can't use it for half an hour. I have to be killed by Yin Xuejie."

"Half hour? It is estimated that half a quarter of an hour is enough, hahaha!"


(End of this chapter)

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