Chapter 1274, this is a trick to die.

"If you offend the heavens, I don't want to be an adult in my life, but the little devil is killed. If she can't die, she won't be able to spare me. What should I do?"

When the instrumental spirit of the trial tower was hesitating, he heard the cloud squatting outside and continued to swear: "The little black frog, you are still the spirit of the ancient artifacts, the brain is almost stupid than the pig! What do you think heaven is good? Something? You helped me trap him last time, are you rewarded?

You are an ancient artifact, are you afraid that he will not be you? Besides, you are normally open, why should he punish you? Who stipulated that Tianlei Linggen could not enter the trial tower? Let me in now! Otherwise, I have a way to torture you, streaking is the lightest, I paint a small king on you, I have ruined your back garden..."

When the beginning of the cloud was starting, the door of the trial tower opened, and the cloud began to sneak into it.

The clouds in the sky are distorted, but the artifacts are helpless, even if they don't ruin, they have to continue to gather outside.

Dean Huang and his tutor are now awkward and frightened!

Although the thunder of the thunder was loud, but they still heard some words from the beginning of the cloud.

Emma! At the beginning of the cloud, the spirit of this trial tower is similar to that of the grandson. Last time, this product also said that the spirit of the instrument teased her? Pull it down! In your tone, does it play with you? It’s not bad if you don’t play it!

God, ah, it turns out that heaven is not a good thing? No wonder this thunder is not a slap in the face of her not to give up, this is really a trick!

This is really too embarrassing, and even with Tiandao, it is really scary!

At the beginning of the cloud, no matter how they groaned, this cargo was not transmitted to the sea this time, but was transmitted to a valley. Two 21st-order golden spotted leopards were staring at her.

The beginning of the cloud is also considered to be the person who has seen the world. I have not put these two golden spotted leopards in my eyes. Besides, anyway, I can’t die here.

"Two kittens, if you are interested, if you want to go cool, I will go out for a while, let's not make a river, if you don't know, I will let you live without asking for death!" Said awkwardly.

Two gold-spotted wind leopards scream, you are a kitten! Your whole family is a kitten!

The two angered two-spotted wind-blade leopards rushed toward the beginning of the cloud, and the clouds began to jump back and flashed the attack of two golden-spotted wind-blade leopards.

The two golden-faced wind-blade leopards saw the clouds and escaped the attack, and suddenly it was a wave of wind blade attacks.

At the beginning of the cloud, I thought that the spirit of the body could not be finished anyway. I just propped up the spiritual cover, and then waved my hands again and again, and attacked the fragile parts of the eyes of the two golden-spotted leopards.

One person and two leopards were killed together, and there was really no victory between them.

The cloud was impatient, she didn't have time and waste, so the little black bird began to curse, and at the moment of one of the golden spotted leopards, several purple needles broke into its eyes. After the purple needle burst, the golden spotted leopard swelled in pain.

At the beginning of the cloud, the flames of the three-tailed fox king and the little black mouse were released, and the two faced the golden spotted leopard that had already blinked, and she dealt with another golden spotted leopard.

(End of this chapter)

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