Chapter 1282 Frying

In the beginning of the cloud, the stunned flash of light, waiting for this time! This time, the 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖

Bang! Bang! Rumble!

There was a scream of the three people in the crackling sound of the Fu, and the hands of the clouds kept tweeting, and a large number of super explosive bursts were thrown at the three.

Special, let you kill me! I don’t even know your aunts when you blow up directly!

I have prepared so many super-breakers to prepare for you! I am bombing! I am bombing! I am bombing!

Three masked people, um, now it’s not a masked person. The masked cloth has long been blown up. Although the three are all spiritually cultivating, there are also many defensive artifacts on the body, but they can’t stand it. The first time of the cloud, such a perverted attack, the three people regretted it. I knew that I should not remove the hidden character before I knew this. It was a bad idea!

Now, even if you want to stimulate the hidden character, there is no time, because the constant symbol is bursting, and although it is not as good as the sudden break, but the power is also very amazing, I don’t know where this stupid head made so many characters. seal.

The three people are constantly comforting themselves. There are not many symbols in the hands of the skunk head. They will not be there anymore. They can kill the stinky **** if they insist on it for a while!

After a quarter of an hour, Fu Wei still threw it out to them!

After half an hour, the three have been bruised and bruised, and half dead!

There is only one thought in the mind of the three people. If you insist on it for a while, the scent of the skunk must be used up.

After another quarter of an hour, the three people only flashed one thought before they died. How can there be so many signs of stinky? If she knows that she has so many symbols, they say nothing!

At the beginning of the cloud, the three people were afraid that the three would not die, and they continued to throw a few superb bursts. After a little spiritual fluctuations were not felt, they stopped throwing.

This cargo is also not hurt, but compared to those three people is much better, and there are strange grass to help heal, but there is no life worry.

The lime soil and the black smoke gradually dissipated. In front of the cloud, there was a giant deep pit. The first night of the cloud took the night pearl and the three of them were blown up, and they will die.

At the beginning of the cloud, I let go of my heart, and collected the three people’s storage rings, and then sat down on the ground to rest.

"Mom! Fortunately, just in case I deliberately painted some of the following bursts to confuse the enemy, or else I have to confess today, it is too dangerous! Scared me!"

When the beginning of the cloud was muttering, I heard someone screaming in anger: "Smelly girl! You have blown my layer of crypts like this! I can't spare you! I want to trap all of you forever." Here! Don't even think about going out! It's really mad at me! The beautiful stones that I made so hard have been blown up by you, hateful! Damn! It's so abominable!"

The cloud was shocked: "Who is talking?"

"Do you have a pig's head? Who are you talking about?! Besides who can be so domineering? Smelly girl! You are trapped here!"

Spirit? At the beginning of the cloud, I carefully recalled the words that the instrument had said. It was because she had destroyed many stones here, so she had to retaliate against her. Ready to trap all of them in it?

(End of this chapter)

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