Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 1292: Let's talk about buying and selling

Chapter 1292, let's talk about buying and selling

At the beginning of the cloud, I just breathed a few breaths, and I felt that there was another monster coming over. It was obviously attracted by the **** smell of **** giants.

At the beginning of the cloud, I felt that my life was to be confessed. I could only try to fool myself.

Sure enough, I ran over a twenty-eighth-order three-fired fox, and Yun’s first thought of the record of the three-fired fox, the three-fired fox could not only attack the fireball, but also the eye in the center of the forehead. Difficult.

The three-fired fox ran to the edge of the deep pit, looked suspiciously inside, and looked at the cloud, and couldn’t help but be surprised. Was the **** giant being killed by this little girl?

How is this possible? This little girl is only the fifth layer of Lingzong. How can he kill the **** giant?

Three 瞳 瞳 看 看 看 看 看 看 看 看 看 看 看 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳It is even more suspicious in my heart.

It doesn't make sense, why don't this little girl look at it? Didn't you put it in your eyes? Still preparing for it, if it doesn't pay attention, it will have its life?

In fact, the cloud did not look at it at first glance, but was afraid of being charmed by its third eye. However, it was misunderstood by the three firefoxes. It must be said that this is a wonderful misunderstanding.

The three-fired fox temper is very suspicious. It did not dare to rush forward, but continued to look at the clues on the ground.

At the beginning of the cloud, I saw that the three foxes had not attacked themselves. They quickly meditated and adjusted the grotesque to fix the dark wounds that had just been blasted.

Three 瞳 瞳 查看 查看 查看 查看 查看 查看 查看 查看 查看 查看 查看 查看 查看 查看 查看 查看 查看 查看 查看 查看 查看 查看 查看 查看 查看 查看 查看 查看 查看 查看 查看 查看 查看 查看 查看 查看 查看 查看 查看 查看 查看 查看 查看 查看 查看 查看 查看 查看What is the chance to use the symbol for the little girl? It’s really stupid that you are so much more powerful than you are, so you are killed.

Three firefoxes found the cause of **** giants, and they had a bottom in their hearts. They spewed out several huge fireballs at the beginning of the cloud.

At the beginning of the cloud, she kept staring at the three firefoxes. She quickly avoided the attack of the three firefoxes. She cleared her throat: "Three eyes, how about talking about the sale?"

Three eyes?

Although Sanchahuo can't pick up the fault of this, but inexplicably, how can it be so awkward?

Talking about pen trading?

What kind of trading does your personal little girl talk to my monster? I ate you is the biggest sale!

Sancha Firefox did not take care of the clouds and continued to attack with fireballs.

"Hey! Three eyes, what do you think I have in my hand?"

Three firefoxes stopped attacking, looked up, and then they were shocked. God, what was in the hand of the little girl was actually the tailbone of the nine-tailed fox?

That's right, it must be!

It can smell the breath of the ancient gods, it must be the tailbone of the nine-tailed fox, if it can get the tailbone, it may stimulate its hidden blood.

It must kill the little girl and take the tailbone for himself!

When San Francisco Firefox was thinking about it, he heard the little girl say: "You are not going to kill me to take this bone for yourself? I tell you, if you insist on killing me, I will be with this bone. With the same, I can't get your shit!"

In order to verify his own words, Yunchu’s first hand held a large burst of cracks: “Is it? I have dozens of sacks for such a superb burst. I don’t believe that this bone can not be broken into powder! But, I naturally don't want to die. If you are willing to cooperate with me, this bone is yours, and I will also give you some superb coagulation and super explosives. How do you choose?"

(End of this chapter)

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