Chapter 1295 Where is the tenth cave?

The two **** silver wolves thought of this, and they took the initiative to establish a relationship with the cloud, and the cloud began to use the beastly surgery to establish a temporary contract.

The pride of this goods can't be described in terms of pen and ink! Hahaha! What about the 28th-order monster? Still not being fooled by her became her servant?

The **** instrument still wants to design her? She did not believe that she could not find the entrance to the tenth floor, even if she could not find her, she could find a way to force it out!

At the beginning of the cloud, the three monsters and the savage beasts began to take a trip to the beast. The more powerful the beast, the more they live alone, so the first time with the three beasts is no disadvantage, and in the process There will be a new younger brother.

However, the end of the cave has not reached the entrance to the tenth floor, and all the monsters have said that they have not seen any entrance to the tenth floor.

At the beginning of the cloud, she couldn’t help but frown. Is she really being fooled by her spirit?

No, if there is no tenth floor, where is the spirit hiding? Moreover, the legend does not come to the wind, the tenth floor must exist, but where is this entrance?

Although Yunchu had not found the entrance to the tenth floor for the time being, but had an unexpected harvest, the goods found a nine-stone mine.

Nine Seine Mines are of no use to these monsters. The first thing in the cloud is that they will not be polite. They will explode the mine with a burst, and then put a large chunk of nine stones into the storage ring, but this is Good things, just to change the contribution point.

Those sorcerers saw the beginning of the cloud like throwing a superb burst like a money, and they were very lucky, but they made a wise decision, otherwise they must become the same as the nine stones. .

After three days passed, Yunchu still couldn’t find the entrance to the tenth floor. In the middle, she also cursed the spirit, and the instrument sneered and said: "The stinky girl, there are still three days, if you still can't find the tenth Layer, you will never have to go out, just to treat the monsters in the crypt as a snack!"

After the spirit of the instrument finished this sentence, it disappeared, and if the cloud was first smashed, the spirit would be dead, and there was no reaction at all.

Those monsters are all staring at the beginning of the cloud, Emma, ​​dare to love this is to be sent to the soul? This courage is also big enough. A five-layer Lingzong dare to go to the ninth floor alone?

Well, such a pervert, there is nothing to dare to do, they are powerful, in the end, not obedient? Oh, it’s tears!

At the beginning of the cloud, there was no time to deal with those self-stubbing monsters. She asked her chin to think hard about where the tenth floor is.

According to common sense, the entrance to the tenth floor should be on the ninth floor, but these monsters lived here for thousands of years, and never found the entrance to the tenth floor. So, there are only two possibilities, one The entrance to the tenth floor is not at the ninth floor at all. Another possibility is that the entrance to the tenth floor is indeed on the ninth floor, but it is extremely concealed.

No matter which possibility, it is impossible to find the entrance to the tenth floor within three days! Can they only be trapped here?

When the beginning of the cloud was frowning, the three scorpions of fire foxes rushed over and said: "Little fairy, although we did not find the entrance to the tenth floor, but this thing does not necessarily have no turn, no matter how Is it fun to play with you! So, what are you giving me what you promised me?"

(End of this chapter)

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