Chapter 1302 blowing kisses

"Hey, I was shocked by your beauty! You haven't seen it for half a year, you have become more beautiful. I have been stupid for a while!" said Yun Xiaoxiao.

Although the lady of the lord wanted to find a sly, but in the face of such "sincere" praise, she had to reluctantly press the corner of the rising mouth and said: "The slick tongue, sit down!"

"Oh, I said 100% is the truth, saying that you are the sister of Beibei brother, no, it is the sister of Beibei brother who believes! Qin Xuejie, Baili sister, you say?"

Qin Mingzhu and Bailiyan will deny unless they are stupid. Naturally, they also flattered. The lady of the house felt that the heart was very comfortable. This little rogue is not so annoying!

Next, the wife of the temple asked the three people to study at Tianyuan College.

Emperor Beibei sat on the side and wanted to end soon, so that he could get close to Xiaojiu. If there was no such plan, he would not be stupid. He was waiting in the living room.

Finally, the lady of the temple finally said: "Luo Guan, you send Miss Qin and Miss Bailey to their respective courtyards, so that the students can wait and wait. Don’t be slow. As for Xiaojiutou, this time you live in my yard. Let's go to the temple, I am always ready to teach you some truth."

Emperor Bei’s face suddenly sagged, and his mother was absolutely deliberate. Is this so that he has no chance to get along with Xiao Ji?

The lady of the temple saw the expression of Emperor Beibei, and I was proud of it. You are a little rabbit. Do you think that I am bringing a little rogue to cultivate your feelings with you? Think beautiful!

It doesn't matter if the cloud collapses. The way people think about it, she doesn't believe that the old lady can keep staring at her.

Although Qin Mingzhu and Bai Liyan have some accidents, they think that the relationship between Yunchu and the wife of the temple is justified. After all, the lady of the temple hates iron and does not become a steel. It is understandable to teach it personally.

The two people almost remembered the words of the cloud at first sight, and could not help but think of the schadenfreude. If the cloud was first seen by the lady of the house, there must be a good show.

After Qin Mingzhu and Bai Liyan left, the wife of the temple said to Yunchu: "What are you still sitting on? Go to the palace with me."

At the beginning of the cloud, he followed the lady of the temple, and the emperor looked at the back of the cloud. He didn’t even have a chance to talk to Xiao Jiu. Then he saw that the cloud suddenly looked back. I kissed her own right hand, then raised his hand toward him, and blinked his eyes in a playful manner.

The heart of Emperor Beibei violently jumped, and the whole person seemed to be in the cloud. He felt that all his efforts and all the pressures he had received had the greatest reward at this moment.

At the beginning of the cloud, the lady of the temple went to the palace, and the luxurious interior was arranged as usual. This old demon would enjoy it.

"Little rogue, you live in the temple all these days, nothing to bother me! You can rest assured that my palace is defensive, Beibei is unable to enter, you don't have to fight." Say proudly.

"Hey, I am here to help you with boring. I know that you are a knife and a tofu. In fact, I am sorry to bother you. You can rest assured that in addition to sleeping, I will always be with you." Xiaoxiao said, the old demon you make me uncomfortable, I also make you not comfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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