Chapter 1304 Dinner

Luo Guan decided that he would not be able to return to the palace at one and a half hours, or else he would certainly be angered by the wife of the lord. The wife of the lord is not as light as the priest, and now she must be mad.

Ladies, you and Miss Nine fight, it is simply looking for abuse!

At the beginning of the cloud, naturally, I wouldn’t go to the rush to find a cockroach. Until the dinner, the goods went to the living room.

Qin Mingzhu and Bailiyan arrived long ago. When they saw the beginning of the cloud, they nodded slightly. They didn’t want to be close to each other. They were afraid that they would be squatted by the clouds, so they decided to contact her as little as possible.

At the beginning of the cloud, Qin Mingzhu and Bai Liyan sat on the left side, and she sat down on the right side. This goods are also welcome, picking up the fruit on the table.

The maid at the door shouted: "Respect!"

Qin Mingzhu and Bailiyan stood up excitedly. I didn't expect that the honor would come again. It seems that this time I really want to choose the final candidate.

The emperor's face was like a water, and he didn't look at Qin Mingzhu and Bai Liyan. He walked straight to the table next to the cloud and sat down.

At the beginning of the cloud, I was very satisfied with the performance of the Emperor Beibei. Treating the enchanting goods should be like the autumn wind sweeping the leaves and doing well.

Qin Mingzhu and Bai Liyan regretted their death. They knew that they would come, and they also sat on the right side, so that the small waste that took the cloud was cheap!

However, the little waste knows to eat, but it doesn't matter.

Not long after, the wife of the temple also arrived.

The wife of the lord stunned the cloud and glanced at the beginning of the cloud. At the beginning of the cloud, she slammed her into a small white tooth: "Hey, what do you think I am doing? Want to reward me with good things?"

The lady of the temple really wants to say, I want to reward you with a slap! But forbearance did not take care of her, announced the beginning of the banquet.

The feast of the Changsheng Temple is naturally very particular, and there is no need to say more about the dishes, and there are dances to help.

At the beginning of the cloud, the singer was eating it. I felt that someone had licked her clothes. At the beginning of the cloud, she looked down and said, "The recidivist" Emperor Beibei was under the cover of his wide clothes, and Chen Cangcang was licking her clothes with his hands.

The beginning of the cloud is so fine, I immediately understood the meaning of Emperor Beibei, frowned and said to myself: "Hey, the stomach is a little uncomfortable, I will go."

Qin Mingzhu and Bai Liyan looked at her with contempt and knew that it was eaten.

At the beginning of the cloud, there was not much to go out. Emperor Beibei said to the wife of the temple: "Mother, I have to deal with the affairs in the front hall, and I will retire first."

The lady of the lord looked at the dance and looked at it, and waved her hand at random.

Emperor Beibei quickly left the living room.

The lady of the temple suddenly slowed down and was fooled! These two little rabbits, this is to play tricks for her! Definitely go out to the retreat! It’s really hard to prevent!

The lady of the lord bites her teeth, but she can’t go out and grab the two people back. So she said to the manager: "Luo, you go to see the little nine."

Luo Guanzhi complained, my wife, the fact that you arranged for me is difficult. It is obvious that Miss Nine and Zun Shang are going to the reunion. What do you want me to do? Whether it is a small metamorphosis or respecting me, I can't afford it!

Luo Guanzheng is miserable here, and the other side of the emperor and the cloud is not romantic before the flower.

"Male god, have you thought about me? Do you think that I am tossing and turning, can't you night?" Yunchu smiled and asked the emperor.

Emperor Beibei did not speak, and directly kissed the beginning of the cloud.

Luo Guanzhi saw the two people who were together, and had to help the wind to avoid being seen by others.

Hey, our wife used to worry about not respecting women. She also said that the cold-blooded temper doesn’t know how to please girls. Emma, ​​madam, your fears are superfluous. I don’t think it’s not cold. Still passionate!

(End of this chapter)

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