Chapter 1306 Embroidery

Emperor Beibei was biting his teeth and was funny. He had to smash his collar and cover the hickey, and he returned to the study in the front hall.

Inside the study, Emperor Beibei held a book in his hand, but he couldn’t see it at all. His mind was full of clouds, or sly, or naughty, or angry...

I was faintly watching the book that I had taken down in my hand. It was almost speechless. How can I feel like a two-person when I meet a young lady? Is this the power of love?

I feel that somewhere in my heart seems to be a bit of a temptation, maybe I should be as good as a dark wind.

At the beginning of the cloud, Luo returned to the living room with the manager. The lady of the house waved her hand and gestured to remove the song and dance. Then she took a look at the beginning of the cloud: "The banquet leaves the field halfway, does not return for a long time, what is the body?! What about a slap?"

"Hey, when I went to the convenience, I met a spirit bee and took a sip on my face. I was afraid of scaring everyone, so I used a scorpion to cover it." Yunchu said that it was not you. My son's cockroaches, my lips are slightly red and swollen, if not covered, do not reveal the stuffing?

The lady of the temple just wanted to say something, and the coughing thing coughed, and the lady of the temple owner moved in her heart and suddenly understood why the cloud had been doing this, and the gas was straight, and the rabbit was blind!

The lady of the temple was in a bad mood, and she said a few more words, and then ended the dinner.

Qin Mingzhu and Bailiyan were concerned about the beginning of the cloud, and said that they had ointments and the like, and the lady of the house hated and said: "Don’t worry about her, who would let her go out and recruit bees, Deserve it!"

At the beginning of the cloud, the ridicule of this pun is not on the mind, and he smiled and said: "Yes, the bee is also stinky, but it is against me."

The lady of the lord of the temple was so speechless that she was so speechless that she had to go to the sleeves.

At the beginning of the cloud, I shrugged my shoulders, and my fart was followed by: "Hey, wait for me! Hey, are you angry? Hey, let's talk for a while?"

The lady of the temple went faster,

The wife of the lord decided to change her strategy. Therefore, from the second day, when the wife of the lord held a banquet or a flower viewing, she did not allow Emperor Beibei to participate. Therefore, the emperor’s ancestors could not see Yunchu for a few days. .

At the beginning of the cloud, this product was not very concerned. In the days of Tianyuan College, it was only a long time to see it once again. Besides, it’s not a word to say, if the two feelings are long, they are squatting in the dynasty.

In fact, cough, this goods is busy going to the dining hall to search.

The lady of the temple has closed her eyes with one eye. In fact, her heart is also very entangled. Although the little rogue sometimes has crazy people, but people can’t hate it. Instead, she has more, the longevity hall is more. Some angry.

If it is not Tianlei Linggen, even if it is a family difference, it is not impossible, but she is not the Tianlei Linggen that is not allowed by the heavens. It is not suitable for Beibei.

The wife of the temple decided to "teach" the early clouds and embroidered the flowers. The clouds looked at the two wrinkled yellows embroidered by the lady of the temple. The eyes were slightly twitching and asked: "Hey, what are you embroidering?"

"Little rogue, your eyes are not good? Can't you see that these are two chicks?"

At the beginning of the cloud, he nodded. "When you say this, I can see that it is really two chickens, but these two chickens hide their heads and claws in the fluff."

(End of this chapter)

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