Chapter 1308 I am protecting 姨姨

Emperor Beibei listened to the cloud and handed it to a cup of tea. After the cloud was finished, this said: "Oh, well, I am not thirsty this time. Actually, I really don’t blame me. It’s not a saying. Well, Cangjie knows the etiquette, the food and drink knows the honor and disgrace, I am thirsty, and where is the tea ceremony!"

"A fallacy of a stomach! You always have reason!" The lady of the house gave her a look.

"Hey, I am reasonable, I am afraid that you are angry, I will study hard. You will show me again, you are the best person I have ever seen drinking tea, just like a fairy." Said at first charming.

The lady of the temple clearly knows that this is a flattering, but the heart is comfortable, so I gave it to the cloud.

Emperor Beibei sat on the side, and felt that if such a moment was settled, how good the parents and Xiaojiu were, other things were not important.

The voice inside the storage ring of Emperor Beibei trembled. After Emperor Beibei read it with his gods, he frowned slightly: "Mother, there is something wrong with Lingshi Mine. I am afraid I have to look at it personally." Only then."

"If things are important, then go and bring more people, don't care." said the lady of the house.

At the beginning of the cloud, I couldn’t help but feel the emotion. When the old demon encounters a business, it’s really a change.

Emperor Beibei hesitated: "But my father is not there. I will take away more than half of the elite. If there is a strong enemy invasion, I am afraid..."

"Your father is expected to come back in the next few days, and then what can be done? The secret guards and guards of the Changsheng Temple are not vegetarian. Your mother is no longer good at the four layers of the spirit, nothing, you are going."

Emperor Beibei nodded: "Well, then I will go back quickly! Mother, after I left, the guardian big array will be opened immediately, be careful."

After the lady of the temple nodded, Emperor Beibei said to Yunchu, "Xiaojiu, you are good, don't be naughty."

"Northern brother, you go! Rest assured, I will protect you!" Yun said, holding the arm of the lady of the temple.

The wife of the lord was initially shackled by the beginning of the cloud and it was somewhat unnatural. It is now numb, and it feels that this dependence on the little daughter is not bad.

After the emperor’s death, the wife of the temple snorted: “Little rogue, what you said is good, do you protect me? I am using the spirit of the five layers to protect you?”

At the beginning of the cloud, I had a small chest: "Hey, you have to look down on people. I said that protecting you will definitely protect you."

The lady of the temple paused and waved her hand: "Roll! I have to take a nap!"

At the beginning of the cloud, I licked my mouth, and I really didn’t know the old devil! Humph!

At the beginning of the cloud, I didn’t know that the lady’s eyes were red when she turned her back. She knew a lot of people. She could see that the first words of the cloud were true, and some inexplicable felt a little moved, but I didn’t want to let Yunchu I saw it, so I drove away the cloud.

Well, for her sincerity, after I am going to be married to the North, I will accept her as a righteous woman. In the future, I will pick a good family and marry me. I will have more daughters.

After a day, I learned that the news of the departure of Emperor Beibei, Qin Mingzhu and Bai Liyan came to resign, they did not go home after a long vacation, this time I want to go back and see.

The wife of the lord stayed for a while, and when they saw that they had decided to go, they let Luo Guan **** the two with dozens of dark guards.

(End of this chapter)

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