Chapter 1313 Shanggufangfang

At the beginning of the cloud, the lady of the temple nodded and said, "Let's go to find out where those people are being held, and then find ways to save people."

The wife of the lord has now taken the beginning of the cloud as the backbone of the heart. Naturally, there is no objection. Two people inspired the occult and carefully left the palace.

The lady of the lord is a four-layered spirit. Together with the occult, it is very easy to avoid the patrolling guards. She found that there was no spiritual fluctuation in the cloud, but it was strange that the little rogue was The spiritual fluctuations are hidden?

The lady of the temple is full of doubts, but now is not the time to answer the doubts. If you can really escape this robbery, ask her again.

Because the wife of the lord is a spiritual cult, she can see the beginning of the cloud, but the first time the cloud can not see the lady of the temple. Therefore, the beginning of the cloud pointed to a direction, indicating that the lady of the house followed her.

The two went to the dining hall one after the other.

The lady of the temple frowned, what time is it? This little rogue is still coming to the dining hall? Is this little rogue wanting to be a full-fledged ghost?

Although it is already in the middle of the night, the dining hall is still brightly lit. It is necessary to say that Yunchu is most familiar with wherever it is. The non-restoration is the goods. The goods came directly from the hidden corner of the lady’s wife to the dining hall. Chef, then hide your body in the kitchen and look out.

There are seven or eight people sitting in the dining hall, all of whom are spiritual masters. They are drinking and talking about it.

"Oh, it really is that my ears are false and seeing is believing. They have always said how the Changsheng Temple is. I don’t think so. We have taken a subtotal to protect the Longevity Hall. According to this speed, it takes less than a year. Tianyuan Continental is our Nether Temple!"

"You can't say that, after all, Emperor Han and Emperor Beibei are not there, and if it is not for us to have a ghost of Huangquan San, it is impossible to be so smooth. This is the ancient poisonous side of Liu Xing Dian, who is not easy to get. People who are medically sophisticated can't find it, or else you think that the people in the Longevity Hall are wastes, and you don't know if you are poisoned?"

"In any case, this Changsheng Hall is already ours. Even if the Emperor Han and the Emperor Beibei come back, we are all in the hands of them. They are arrogant and they will win the game."

"This longevity hall is not only magnificent, but also those chicks are more than a water spirit, but unfortunately the Tao protection method does not move, or else I really want to be happy."

"Hey! Only the state official set fire to the people to light the lights. Qi Yu got into the hall of the lady of the temple, and they drove them out. They also said that they wanted to ask the big seal of the Changsheng Temple. On his virtue, you don’t have to ask. What to do! It’s a daring day, the lady of the lord is the most important hostage, he dares to get started, and Taobao’s law is really good!”

"What's special! I don't even give you the sweetness of the tired and tired, and he dares to dye the lady of the temple. It is awkward!"

"Yes! A few brothers, let's go to the place where the prisoners are being held to get a few beautiful girls. If the Tao protection method punishes us, let us give Qiyu out!"

"Yes! Just do it! Special, go!"


Several people said that they were drunk and went out, and the clouds slammed their fingers at the back, indicating that the lady of the house followed her.

Several people hooked their shoulders and said that they were swearing words, and the face of the lady’s wife was sullen, but when she saw the beginning of the cloud, she made a snoring gesture and had to endure.

The two followed the person in front for a quarter of an hour and came to the front of a row of houses. This was the place where people usually lived. I didn't expect the Nether Temple to be here.

(End of this chapter)

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