Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 1316: It turned out to be such a longevity hall.

Chapter 1316 turns out to be such a longevity hall.

The four guards looked at each other. It turned out to be a confused little girl. Didn’t I send someone to the Lingguo forest to search? Why didn't you find someone? It’s too big! Fortunately, it’s a small girl who doesn’t care about the world.

"Little girl, come over, I will tell you something." One of the guards waved at the beginning of the cloud.

At the beginning of the cloud, he said, "I am hungry in the middle of the night. I have something to say tomorrow. I have to go back and eat something!"

The guard saw the beginning of the cloud, and quickly said: "I have food here, you come over and give it to you."

The beginning of the cloud really stopped the pace: "Really? You are a good man to guard the big brother!"

After the beginning of the cloud, he walked in the direction of the guard, and the guards were happy. This little girl was so fooled that he would be fooled!

I didn't expect to stop after a few steps: "No, I will teach my men and women to give up, don't kiss me. You can throw me the food. I can't be too close to you."

The guard twitched at the corner of his eye, but he moved his mind and took out a few buns with a ghost of Huang Quansan and threw it at the beginning of the cloud: "Little girl, I only have a few buns here, you can eat it, it's hot. ""

At the beginning of the cloud, I took over the oil-paper bag and saw the bun inside the eyebrows open and smiled. I ate and said, "Thank you, this big brother! Right, I heard that some of the guards in your front hall like men, is it true?"

The mouths of the four guards twitched slightly, and then vaguely said to the guards of the cloud buns, "Yes, this is the case."

"I saw a few big brothers, Xiang Junyi, not being touched by the dark wind? He is one of your leaders. I heard that I like the type of you most. I first use the stone to please people. Will be forced by force, you have not been his poisonous hands?" Cloud was very curious to ask.

The four guards were inexplicably aware that the chrysanthemum was tight, and the head was shaking like a rattle: "No! No! Nothing!"

At the beginning of the cloud, he grew a sigh of relief: "That's good, that's good! I think the four big brothers are very kind. If it is ruined by the dark wind, it is a pity."

The four guards twitched their eyes. The original Changsheng Temple is such a longevity hall. We are really long-sighted. When we have time, we go in and see which metamorphosis is called dark wind and long experience.

The complex of the lady who was hiding behind the boulder at this time could not be described in words. If she heard that Yun Yun said that she was so ruthless, she would definitely lick her blood, but at this moment, she heard the little girl in the letter. The mouth is nonsense, there is a trace of pride in my heart, especially, the old lady must be stimulated too much, so crazy.

The guard saw the beginning of the cloud. Hey, he had already eaten three buns, and he was not sleepy. It was even more spiritual.

The guard could not help but wonder, these three buns are aggravating the dose. It is reasonable to say that this little girl should have been drowsy long ago. How can there be no reaction?

"Guard big brother, your buns taste really good, that is, three are missing, are there still? If not, I will leave, and I will find you to play tomorrow!" Yun said with a smile.

The guard lost his patience and jumped forward. He was going to hold the cloud, and the heart of the lady’s wife mentioned the eyes of the blind man. Although she had seen the first time in the cloud, she shot the Qiyu, but that was Because Qi Yu is not prepared, can the little rogue work this time?

(End of this chapter)

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