Chapter 1329, Emperor Beibei returned

At the beginning of the cloud, I feel that there is nothing shameful about materializing a little piglet, because this little piglet is not a normal piglet. This is a fine piglet, hahaha!

At the beginning of the cloud, I felt very embarrassed. If it was not the condition, she must make the little black bird out and let it see how the cow is!

Ren Zhiyuan’s mood was not so beautiful. He swallowed a blood-stopping medicine: “This little girl is very evil! Kill her and save her trouble!”

The guards of the Nether Temple once again attacked the wife of the temple and the cloud, and the spiritual pigs in the early days of the cloud were evil, but the one-on-one killing was ok. So many people besieged, and the spiritual pigs can help. The first day of the cloud and the wife of the temple were forced to retreat to the edge of the cliff, there is no way to retreat.

Fortunately, at this time, the news of the little black mouse came from the beginning of the cloud, and the eyes of the eight-door gold lock array have been destroyed!

The first look of the cloud is a sensation. As long as it persists for a while, Xiaobai’s face will rush in, and she and the old witch will be saved.

Although the spirit of the cloud is much lower than the wife of the temple, she relies on the myriad defensive spirits of the body to be more relaxed than the wife of the temple.

The beginning of the cloud can not help but belly, this old demon, there must be a lot of treasures in the treasure house of Changsheng Temple, you are more to get some defense spirit in the body, really stupid!

This product does not want to think about it, who can be as perverted as she is, get a tens of thousands of defensive artifacts on the body, and then, God can not stand it.

Therefore, in addition to self-protection, the cloud has to help the wife of the house from time to time. Anyway, this cargo will let you attack casually. At most, it will break a few defensive spirits.

Tao Hufa sees this side for a long time and can't attack. He also joined the battle group and went straight to the lady of the temple.

The Tao protection method is the sixth layer of the spirit. When he joins, the wife of the temple is more passive, and the body is also injured. Although it is not fatal, it is **** and looks very infiltrating.

At the beginning of the cloud, I saw the wife of the temple, so I jumped up to help attack the Taobao law. Several spiritual attacks were hit on the body of the cloud, and the defensive spirits on this cargo began to shatter. The meat is so painful, but I can’t watch the old witch being caught. Although the old witch is hard to hear, she is not bad for her.

At the beginning of the cloud and when the wife of the temple could not support it, Emperor Beibei took people in.

When the emperor waved his hand, a huge spiritual ice dragon rushed over to Tao Hufa and others, and Tao Hufa and other people rushed to dodge.

The spiritual ice dragon turned to the pottery and the law was bitten. The pottery method was shocked. This ice dragon is not only huge, but even so intelligent. It is too horrible.

At the same time, the dark guards of the Changsheng Temple also rushed over, and Ren Zhiyuan and others were forced to retreat. The first day of the cloud and the wife of the temple were able to take a breather.

Emperor Beibei is full of chilling gas. He really can't imagine what would happen if he came in for a quarter of an hour. These people are damned!

Before the suppression of the spiritual power of the Emperor Beibei in Qingxuan, the first time I saw the true spiritual power of Emperor Beibei, it was the first time to see the top talents of Tianyuan.

Although the Tao protection method is the sixth layer of the spirit, but in front of the emperor, only the power of parry did not fight back. The blood that was beaten by the emperor was not more than a quarter of an hour, and the two secret guards stepped forward. Watch it up.

(End of this chapter)

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