Chapter 1331 of the Year

The lady of the temple sighed: "I still remember the disaster that happened 11 years ago. Compared with that time, this time is not too serious. The people who came here are not too strong. After all, those people at that time can It is the power of the Nether."

At the beginning of the cloud, I heard the clouds in the fog, and asked in front of me: "Male god, hey, what happened in the past?"

At the beginning of the cloud, the first time in front of the lady of the temple was called Beibei’s brother, but once said that the vulture was awkward, and then it was simply screamed.

Nowadays, there is nothing to hide in nature. The lady of the temple briefly told the story of the year.

The Nether Temple is the largest force in the Netherland, and its status is equivalent to the royal world.

The Nether Temple has been coveting the Tianyuan continent. It feels that the aura of the Tianyuan continent is much better than that of the Netherland. So after years of careful planning, they almost succeeded eleven years ago.

They first sent people to lurk into the major forces to do the internal response, and then, when the heads of the major forces went out or retreat, they all imprisoned the son-in-law and family members of the major forces, and then forced the various forces to submit, if they did not agree to surrender. They killed those people directly.

In addition, their spiritual power is also very high, and it is even more difficult for some of them to have the power of the Nether. The spiritual power is chilly. When the chill is invaded, it is difficult to eradicate. .

Therefore, the Tianyuan Continental side has fallen into an extremely passive situation.

At the time when Tianyuan’s mainland was in jeopardy, the 12-year-old Emperor Beibei sneaked into the place where the son-in-law and family members were held. Not only did they magically save people, but those who were in the temple of the Nether were all suffocated, only Liu The head of the temple was seriously injured and escaped.

However, since then, Emperor Beibei has suffered from chills and hunger.

As for how the Emperor Beibei killed those people, even the Emperor Beibei did not know.

He was also a mother-in-law, and he was young and fearless. He even sneaked in, but he was quickly discovered and then encircled. He later became unimpressed and woke up. When I found out that the ground was full of the body of the Nether Temple guard, then I saved everyone.

However, before this, the bloodless mother relapsed because of the failure to get timely medical treatment.

After the first reading of the cloud, I guessed: "Men, will you be a high-ranking person to help you, but you are not willing to reveal the traces, so go away?"

Emperor Beibei nodded. "We also speculated. After that, I worshipped the Tianchi old man as a teacher and went to Tianyuan College to learn to become stronger and protect my family. But this time I almost repeated the same mistakes, but fortunately there is a small nine, or else..."

"Male god, what are you talking about? Am I not your family? You are my mother, and my mother is also inseparable, I naturally want to protect her, hey, you say it?" Cloud first hippie smiley Said the lady's arm.

The lady of the temple smiled and said: "You are a little rogue! Although you saved me, but the top 100 of the Tianjiao list still has to enter, or else, I will always be you!"

The emperor’s rumors of the news, suddenly excited, his mother is accepting the small nine? It doesn't matter what the arrogant list is, as long as his mother really accepts that Xiao Jiu is stronger than anything else.

(End of this chapter)

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