Chapter 1344 of the guilty cattle

At the beginning of the cloud, he jumped out for more than a dozen feet and escaped the attack of the wild horned bull. He sneered and said: "The old cow, I will give you the last chance. If you still obsessed, you will blame me for killing the cow." !"

The wild horned ox cow simply did not take care of the cloud, and rushed over again in the direction of the cloud.

At the beginning of the cloud, the eyebrows are standing. Since you are looking for death, you can’t blame me. I will blow you up into beef stuffing now!

At the beginning of the cloud, he took out a burst and threw it at the wild horned bull.

Then, the beginning of the cloud, the sad reminder found that those bursts did not react at all! ! !


Can't you use the symbol here? She has prepared hundreds of sacks!

Why is there no one to suggest that you can't use the symbol here? It really killed her!

In fact, there was a mentor's suggestion, but the goods were full of resentment that the emperor had left, and he did not pay attention, so the goods were sadly reminded.

Originally thought that by relying on the superb burst, you can blow up this wild and **** violent cow. Now it’s good, you can’t use it, you can only use the spiritual attack!

At the beginning of the cloud, I remembered the heroic performance of the spiritual pig when I was in the Changsheng Temple. I had a little bit of conviction in my heart, and released a cute little pig against the wild horned bull.

The wild horned ox cow saw the spiritual pig that was released from the beginning of the cloud, and he was surprised to be in the same place!

What is this ghost thing?


Are humans not released like wolves, tigers and leopards?

How can there be a characterized pig?

Still a piglet?

Is this a joke?

When the wild horned ox cow was blaspheming, the spiritual pig had already rushed to it, and bite it against its one-horn!

The beginning of the cloud is simply not forbearing!

Emma, ​​you are really a pig! The horn of the wild unicorn bull is the most sturdy part, you bite its eyes and ears!

Sure enough, the spiritual pig did not cause any harm to the one-horned horn of the wild horned bull. Instead, it was dispelled by the wild horned ox.

At the beginning of the cloud, I had to release a spiritual pig again, using the gods to say: "Attack its eyes and ears, don't be stupid, attack the one-horn."

The spiritual pig ran wildly and the horned ox cow rushed over. The wild horned ox cow directly stabbed the spiritual pig with a one-horned horn. It thought, I directly dissipated you, and then I banged. Kill the skunk head.

Unexpectedly, the spiritual pig saw the wild unicorn rushing over, and it turned a corner and bit it in the ear of a wild horned bull!

At the beginning of the cloud, several small purple needles were fired, all of which were directed at the vulnerable parts of the wild horned bull.

The wild horned ox cow only cares about dealing with the spiritual pig, and did not expect that the cloud will attack again.

When it was discovered, it was a bit of a slap, and the skunk head released a pig. How can you use the spiritual attack?

Is this not a high-level spiritual materialization?

If it is not high-level spiritual materialization, how can this **** piglet know about turning?

By the way, is this stinky head not the five layers of Lingzong? How can intermediate level materialization, not to improve the level of materialization! But how did this little piglet come?

The wild unicorn bulls are obviously a little bit guilty. You should first avoid the purple needles. These broken problems will be tempered in the future. No, it is thinking about these problems at that time.

(End of this chapter)

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