Chapter 1350 White Bread

When the beginning of the cloud was vomiting, the white skull awake, and picked up the sword and rushed toward the beginning of the cloud: "Smelly head, I want to kill you!"

"If you don't want that weak water, you will kill me, I don't care." Yun said at a glance.

Bai Shantou heard the "weak water" and stopped his footsteps: "Smelly girl, you will give me the weak water right away, I will let you go, right. This has not happened."

At the beginning of the cloud, I said, I want to return it to you, but the **** dog's tail will not spit out the weak water! However, in order to get rid of the difficulties, I still have to deal with this white hoe.

"White hoe, I can give you the weak water, but before that, I have a doubt. You said, are you stupid enough to build a palace under the river for Mao? It will be built under the river. Wouldn't you have to do something powerful to protect the palace? Besides, if you are an instrumental spirit, would you be afraid of those aquatic monsters, are you too wasteful?" Yun said at the beginning.

"What do you know? This device is not afraid of them! This instrumental spirit just likes to be quiet, oh! Besides, since there is such a good barrier, I have to work hard to clean them up for the hair? Less nonsense, quickly put the weak water Come out, or else I will kill you."

"You put me out, I will give you the weak water, or you will not want to get weak water." Yun said at first faint.

"No! You can hand over the weak water first, I can let you go, otherwise what do you do to lie to me?" Bai Haotou turned his eyes and wanted to lie to me? no way!

At the beginning of the cloud, I looked at it: "I can swear by my heart, and the sky is on. If the white scorpion puts me, if I don't give it to the white water, let me be stunned by the thunder. Five hours without stopping! So, the head office?"

Bai Shantou thought, with a vow of heart, not afraid of stinking and repenting, let her go, so the white skull opened the cage and removed the rope from the cloud.

At the beginning of the cloud, I found that my spiritual power has recovered. There is a hint of sorrow in my eyes, and my head is white. Let’s go to the account!

"Smelly girl, I have already let you go, you give me the weak water!"

"Give it to you? Give you a big ghost! Your **** white skull is afraid to tie me with a rope, and put me in the cage, and point me at the sword, I am dying you! I will let you become White-faced cake!" Yunchu took out the rolling pin and smashed it against the white skull.

When Bai Yuntou thought of the beginning of the cloud, he broke open and was smashed by the smashing stick. He was suddenly turned into a white cake!

"Stop! You stop! You are not afraid of being beaten by the sky?" Bai Hao screamed with anger.

At the beginning of the cloud, it was a smashing stick. "Sorry, I am really not afraid of playing thunder. If you can bear it, let Thunder me!"

The white-headed smugly fainted: "You are nonsense! How can you not be afraid of thunder?"

"Love letter does not believe! Anyway, I will shoot you to death before you say!" Yunchu was a smashing stick.

Although Bai Shantou does not believe that Yunchu is really not afraid of Thunder, but in order to save his life, it shouted: "Stop! Stop! If you don't stop, I will trap all of you in this wilderness, with me. Sink into the void!"

At the beginning of the cloud, I heard Bai Shantou say so, and put away the rolling pin. She is not afraid of the threat of the white skull, but is more interested in the so-called sinking into the void.

(End of this chapter)

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