Chapter 1356 The poison of the white hoe

The slyness of the white scorpion, the special, the wild flame tiger, you are the twenty-sixth-order monster, you actually let the stinky head ride you? Are you jealous? !

What did the stinky head do? Wouldn't it be to find revenge on it?

The white **** is nervous and continues to look outside...

At the beginning of the cloud, I was sitting on the back of the wild flame tiger. I felt it necessary to let the three-and-a-half-small red fox eat more meat and make it grow bigger, so that she could ride around and hop around. After the fourth tail grows, the body shape can become larger.

After an hour, the wild flames of the tiger smashed into the edge of the river at the beginning of the cloud. It happened that it was the place where Yunchu first ate a venom.

Two wild flames of the tiger walked to the edge of the river, and saw some small fish and shrimp in the river, and suddenly they were surprised!


What Xiaotou said is true!

The toxins in the big river are really gone!

At the beginning of the cloud, I jumped down the tiger's back: "Two tigers, I didn't lie to you? The toxins in this big river were really sucked out by me. You see, this stone is still my own!"

Two wild flames of tigers followed the direction of the fingers of the clouds, and they saw a stone monument. It seems that the little girl did not lie to them.

The two wild flames screamed at each other a few times. It was obviously discussing how to deal with the cloud at the beginning of the cloud. At the beginning of the cloud, the eyes were screaming: "Two tigers, you are busy first, I went to the river to find the **** revenge." go with!"

After the beginning of the cloud, he jumped into the river. The two wild flames were not determined to eat or eat her. When she jumped into the river, she did not chase, but began to look for favorable terrain, ready to settle down here. .

After the beginning of the cloud inspired the water-avoiding beads, he began to look for the location of the palace on the riverbed.

Bai Shantou saw the beginning of the cloud and was really ready to revenge himself. The cold sweat on his forehead ran down. It must think of a way to prevent her from finding its hiding place.

The white skull suddenly blinked, hey, my site is my master, see how I toss you!

At the beginning of the cloud, I was searching on the riverbed. Suddenly I was sucking in. I knew that this was definitely caused by the white hoe, so I didn’t resist. I just found the white **** and cleaned it up.

When Yunqiu just opened his eyes, he saw the white sinister smile insidiously, and then the cloud was flashing in front of him.

At the beginning of the cloud, I suddenly understood what the white **** was playing. This product is ready to send her to the mouth of the monster, hateful! White skull, you wait for me, I will come back again!

When the cloud opened his eyes, he found himself stuck to a giant net. In the distance, there was a wild ruthless spider that was crawling toward himself.

At first, the cloud was shocked, then laughed!

Bai Shantou saw the beginning of the cloud not only did not be shocked and laughed, it felt that the stinky girl must be scared, hey, dare to offend me, I am ruining you.

When the white **** is proud, let it happen that it will never be forgotten!

At the beginning of the cloud, I saw that the wild gold-backed spider climbed over and rushed out of the wool ball. The wool ball saw a huge sticky wire mesh and the wild gold-backed spider that climbed over was happy. Not talking about it:

"The baby is not sticking to the sweater, and I didn't expect to take it to the door. It's great!"

(End of this chapter)

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