Chapter 1362 Spiritual Piggy

When Yun Yun took out the dry food and tried to eat it, if he wanted to find revenge for the white hoe, he had to leave the forest first, then flickering a monster to let it lead the way, so that she could find the big river, yes, just do it!

However, before this, you must first fix the 傀儡一号, or else you will encounter the enchanted beast, she still has to wear the defensive spirit.

At the beginning of the cloud, I took out the No. 1 and looked at it. Many parts were damaged and the repair was really difficult.

At the beginning of the cloud, it was too late to find a piece of open space. After melting the No. 1 into fine iron water, it re-refined a fine iron shovel.

After the refining, the three small ones took turns to be vigilant. The cloud first took out the omnipotent small tent and lay in it to sleep.

When the cloud was just sleeping, the little black rat screamed. The cloud smashed out of the tent and saw the blue light flashing around. It was obvious that there was a monster.

At the beginning of the cloud, there are two fine irons in hand, and there is a little bit of enthusiasm in the heart, so I am not in a hurry to escape, ready to see what is the monster.

After a while, the wilderness of the three-and-two-six-story wind blade wolf came out of the woods, staring at the clouds.

The beginning of the cloud is wondering, how can these beasts drool when they see her, is she so beautiful?

The goods were self-proclaimed, and then they said to the three wild wind-blade wolves: "At night, you don't sleep, what are you doing? Roll!"

The three wild wind blade wolves think that 80% is a little girl who doesn't wake up. She is talking nonsense, otherwise she will dare to talk to them unless she is crazy.

The three wild winds wolf screamed, and the hind legs slammed into the clouds.

"Wait! Three puppies, how do we make a pen sale?" said Yun Xiaoxiao.

Three puppies?

It is estimated that any wolf-called puppies will be angry. These three wild wind-blade wolves are no exception. When they first rushed into the clouds, they launched several wind blades. When they first ignited the defensive spirits, they evaded their mouths. Not idle: "Hey! Do you know what it means to be polite? I haven’t finished talking yet, you are doing it? It’s stinking!"

The three wild winds are all arrogant, we are monsters, you are humans, what do we do with you? Besides, you are a dog, your family is a dog!

At the beginning of the cloud, I just wanted to test the power of the two cockroaches, so I put the 傀儡1 and 傀儡2 out: "No. 1, No. 2, give it to me! Hey he!"

The three heads of the wild wind blade wolf face stunned, what is this ghost thing?

The first one and the second one rushed toward a wild wind blade wolf, and the cloud was screaming at the remaining wild wind blade: "Puppy, come over, I will let you see and see." What is a group!"

The wild wind and the wolf are looking around, and there are no other human beings. What is the group that the little girl said?

It quickly understood the meaning of the group that was first mentioned by the cloud. As the clouds began to wave in both hands, several sprouting spiritual pigs rushed toward it.

The wild wind bladed the wolf and quickly launched the wind blade to dissipate the spiritual pig, but did not expect that the spiritual pigs swallowed the wind blade, and then the pigs fled more fiercely toward it. past.

The wild wind blade wolf is almost scared and crying. What is this ghost thing? The first time I saw a materialized technique that could devour the other's spiritual power, it was too abnormal!

The fifteenth more. There are also five chapters, which are written again.

(End of this chapter)

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