Chapter 1364 Insidious White Head

Soon, the beginning of the cloud came to the river again.

After Yun’s handing over the drug to the three wild wind blade wolves, they lifted the temporary contract and jumped into the river.

The three wild wind blade wolves saw that the river really had no toxins, and decided not to leave nearby. There will definitely be a lot of monsters to drink water here, and there is no meat to eat.

After the first flight of the cloud jumped into the river, she felt that the white **** would definitely be re-applied, so the eyes turned around with an idea.

Sure enough, when Yunchu was looking for the Baitoutou Palace in the riverbed, a huge suction came, and Yunchu was once again transferred to the palace of Baitoutou.

When the white **** was planning to print again, Yunchu smashed a large number of chili noodles against it, and the white scorpion licked the tears. The cloud picked up the glutinous stick and pointed it at it: "You White skull! Want to design me? I am dying you!"

The white-headed scorpion was smashed into a white-cake, and the self-esteem was greatly attacked. Hey, it is a spirit, it is the **** of this ridiculous mystery. How could it be beaten by the skunk head once and right? It has no face to live!

Of course, the first cloud will not really kill the white hoe, and the anger will be almost exhausted. This is said coldly: "White hoe, because of your scorpion, I lost a lot of defensive skills, you must compensate I, otherwise I will tear down the palace."

Bai Yantou said with a sad face: "Little fairy, you saw it too. I am very poor. The only cage that was last taken away by you, I really have nothing!"

"Hey! White girl, do you think that I am a fool? If you can't satisfy me today, I will not only dismantle your palace, but I will throw you in front of those monsters and let them know you." The spirit of the instrument, I believe they will entertain you."

The face of the white skull is whiter, it is simply pale, it can be imagined if those monsters know how to clean up in the river.

Moreover, it also believes that the beginning of the cloud is not to scare it, this stinking head really can do anything.

The white-headed girl was silent for a moment: "Little fairy, I really don't have any good things here. There are only some storage rings, which are the monks who died. If you like it, take it!"

At the beginning of the cloud, I licked my mouth, and it turned out to be the same routine as the radish of the nine secluded crypt. No matter how it was made, I said, "Okay, you get me out."

The white **** made a bunch of storage rings. After the cloud began to probe into the gods, there were only a few artifacts in it. The stone was basically gone. It was estimated that it had been scraped away by the white hoe.

At the beginning of the cloud, the storage ring was collected, and then sneered and said: "Do you think that if you break something, you will send me? You can either send me ten pieces of eight pieces of fairy, or send me 100 million top grade Lingshi, otherwise, I This is starting!"

The white **** is not so easy to give, but it is crying poor and poor, but unfortunately these do not work at all for the beginning of the cloud, and finally had no intention of reluctantly transferred to the cloud of the first hundred billion top grade Lingshi.

"Little Fairy, now that you are satisfied, I will send you out, you can rest assured that this time I will never send you to a dangerous place." Bai Haotou said.

At the beginning of the cloud, I looked at it: "It doesn't matter if you send it to a dangerous place. Anyway, I will still come back. When is it, oh!"

The white scorpion was full of smiles and sent the cloud out, and then revealed a sinister smile, stinky, this time I have to use the killer, you will die!

Chapter seven. There are three chapters, and I will write it again.

(End of this chapter)

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