Chapter 1386 Anti-Robbery

Seven people laughed in disdain, the triangle eyes laughed the most, and then they were stunned and stunned there!

Do not!


The two physical forces collide together. Shouldn’t the two sides offset each other, and the last remaining spiritual power continues to attack?

Why is only his poisonous snake dissipating, and the little piglet is getting more and more solid?

Is it that the little piglet has eaten his poisonous snake?

How is this possible?

When the triangle eye is screaming at God, the piglet has swallowed the poisonous snake and rushed over to him.

The triangle eye rushed to the side to dodge, never imagined that the spiritual pig actually turned a corner, and then bite on his shoulder.

The screams of the triangular eye pain came out, and he was also impatient. He even used his hand to pull the spiritual pig. The spiritual pig bite off his thumb with a bite.

The triangle eye is even more miserable, and it’s not that people are moving.

Fortunately, the Spiritual Piggy is exhausted and dissipated, otherwise the right hand of the Triangle Eye will be abolished.

The other six people suddenly stepped back in two steps. The spiritual materialization of this little girl is too evil! Besides, is she not the fifth layer of Lingzong? How can advanced materialization? Is it difficult for her to be spiritually respected?

The triangular eye swallowed a hemostatic remedy and said to other people: "What are you doing? This little girl is so evil, there must be a lot of treasures on her body, killing her, those babies are ours!"

The other six people showed greedy light in their eyes. Although they were somewhat afraid of the true spiritual power of the beginning of the cloud, they thought that they were seven people. Even if the cloud was a spiritual cult, it did not matter, so they swarmed.

At the beginning of the cloud, he grinned: "This is what you are looking for, just as my activities are active!"

At the beginning of the cloud, she did not release her embarrassment, because she felt that she could just increase the following practical experience with these people, so she rushed and moved seven people to one place.

Seven people have released their own spiritual materialized beasts, and they rushed toward the beginning of the cloud. The clouds began to wave with their hands, and several spiritual pigs rushed toward the spiritual beasts.

The seven men almost scared and screamed, how is this possible? Doesn't it mean that advanced materialization can only use one spiritual beast at a time? How can she release so many piglets?

Is she using intermediate materialization? However, why are these piglets so smart? Can you swallow spiritual power?

Seven people regretted it at this time!

I knew that this little girl was so abnormal. They said that they would not rob her. This is a metamorphosis!

However, there is no regret in the world. They have to bite their teeth. Although the spiritual pigs are metamorphos, but the spiritual power disappears, they disappear. They don’t believe that this little girl can continue to release the spiritual pigs. Even tired, she is exhausted.

After half an hour.

Seven people shed tears in the heart of the lasagna, had to face a tragic fact, it is estimated that they will fight again, the little girl is not tired, they will be exhausted!

The short-skinned man said: "A few brothers, let's withdraw, today it is estimated that we can't take this stinky girl!"

The other six people also retired, so they made a look at each other and wanted to run. The cloud sneered at the beginning: "Want to run? I really want to run, I want to run, I will leave you with valuable things!" ”

(End of this chapter)

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