Chapter 1389

"You are the beginning of the cloud?" asked a person who was headed for the fierce light.

"Hey, am I so famous now? Do you all know me? I am really embarrassed!" Yun said with a shy mouth.

The faces of the eight Nether Temples are stunned. This little madman is the first cloud that Tao Hufa said?

Isn't this a stupid yellow-haired girl? And the spiritual level is only five layers of Lingzong. What kind of wind and waves can she play? The Tao protection method must have been finished, and this little girl could not destroy our plan.

However, since they have all met, still grab it back, it is not bad to threaten the Longevity Hall.

"Smelly head, tell you the truth, we are the people of the Nether Temple, you have to surrender quickly when you know the time, we don't want your life, otherwise, you have to suffer."

"The people of the Nether Temple? Since you are the people of the Nether Temple, Mao is not waiting for you in the Netherland. What are you doing when we run the Heavenly Gifts? Are you full of support?" Yun said in a curious eye.

The popularity of the Nether Temple is so pumping, this little girl is really too bad to talk!

One of the eagle hook noses said to the leader: "Lee, don't talk nonsense with her, I will catch her!"

The man in the lead nodded, and everyone expanded the encirclement. In this case, the cloud could not run.

At the beginning of the cloud, I licked my mouth and ran? I won't run! I want to kill you all!

The eagle hook nose covered his mouth and looked at the cloud at first glance: "I heard that Tianyuan College is the best college in Tianyuan, and your waste is still in? I don’t think this Tianyuan Academy is so good!"

"You are right, I am the most waste of Tianyuan College, but I think that even if I use this kind of waste to deal with you, there is no problem. Believe it or not, I can't use three tricks to kill you!" Said.

"Ha ha ha! You are not afraid of the wind fanning your tongue? Three strokes? Three strokes, I am still killing you!" The eagle hook nose is finished, facing the cloud is a spiritual attack.

The eagle hook nose is the second layer of the spirit, and his spiritual beast is a wolf, fiercely rushing toward the clouds.

At the beginning of the cloud, a spiritual pig, two spiritual pigs, and a three-headed piglet were released without delay.

At the beginning of the cloud, ten heads of spiritual pigs were released, three of them entangled the wolf, and the other seven heads rushed toward the eagle.

The shock in the heart of the eagle hook can be imagined. How is this possible? How can the stinky head release so many spiritual beasts? And it still seems to be smart?

Although he was only staying for a moment, but the seven-headed spiritual pig had already plunged into his body, and the eagle hook nose suddenly screamed out, so he had to take out a sword and start calling the spiritual piglet on his body, wanting to put it. Break up.

At this time, Yunchu’s hand fired several purple small needles and went straight to the eyes of the eagle hook nose. The eagle hook nose had to jump and evade.

Just flashed a small purple needle, and at the beginning of the cloud, ten more spiritual pigs were released, and the eagle hook nose was bitten by screaming.

The leader of the Nether Temple shouted: "This stinky girl has some evil doors, together!"

"Hey, are you going to smash me? It’s really stinking! I just said that I am a waste? I don’t think you even have the waste of me! A group of shameless bastards!"

"Smelly head, you play less, wait for a while to catch you, how to pack you!" The leader said, said evilly.

"Cut! Do you think that only you will be a group? I will! I will kill them on the 1234."

(End of this chapter)

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