Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 1391: The beginning of the cloud will definitely save us.

Chapter 1391 Clouds must save us

The man who led the Nether Temple heard the beginning of the cloud and said that he wanted to search for the soul. The expression on his face became tense: "You, you don't have my spiritual power, you can't search for me."

"Is it? But I can command eight swords. Do you say that the gods of the two are strong? I just see you are a good man to give you a chance. Since you don't want it, then I will search for the soul!" It is necessary to search for the soul.

The man is gone!

"I said, I said! We have sneaked into 20 groups, 16 people in each group."

At the beginning of the cloud, I was shocked, three hundred and twenty people? It’s really bloody!

"What are you doing?"

"Seventy percent is spiritually respected, and the remaining three percent have the lowest level of spiritual sanctuary."

"You are arranged by region?"


"What about the remaining eight people in your group?"

"They searched on the east side."

There was nothing to ask at the beginning of the cloud, and the person was smashed directly!

"Cut! It's stupid! If I want to search for souls, I still need to ask you? Stupid! Soul Soul is a spiritual level that can be used. I won't do it at all." Yunchu took eight people. The storage ring was closed, and then the little blackbird burned the bodies of eight people, and then continued to the east.

After half an hour, the cloud began to hear the voice in the distance. She took the hidden ring and carefully walked forward.

The clouds begin to sneak into the back of a bush and look through the gaps in the bushes.

I saw eight people in the Nether Temple trapping a dozen students of Tianyuan College in the middle. Those people with blood on their bodies obviously have been killed for a while.

At the beginning of the cloud, I looked carefully. The people trapped were all Xuanzi classes. Most of the spiritual power was in the seven or eight layers of Lingzong. It is no wonder that those who lost to the Nether Temple.

"Cut! It is also said that the students of Tianyuan College are the leaders of Tianyuan Mainland. I think it is just like the general! It is the waters of these female students. You only need to surrender and save you from dying. As for the remaining Next, don't want to leave alive today!" said a bald-headed man.

"Hey! We would rather die than let you succeed, shameless!" a female student screamed.

"Hey, the temper is still quite strong. I will look at you for a while, but you still have a hard mouth, brethren, go! The men are killed, the women are finished and kill!"

The two sides once again stifled together, and the students of Tianyuan College lost their hearts and they could not support it.

When they were desperate, they heard someone say clearly: "Hey, the mad dog of the Nether Temple is biting again? Really, you are willing to bite back to your Netherland to bite, come to our Tianyuan mainland what is it? Really Untrained mad dog!"

Both the people of the Nether Temple and the students of the Tianyuan College gathered their eyes on the speaker. The people at Tianyuan College suddenly exclaimed: "The beginning of the cloud! It is the beginning of the cloud!"

They have never been so happy to see the beginning of the cloud like this moment, although they also know that the cloud is only five layers of Lingzong, but now the cloud is the lifeline of their lives, not to mention the miracles that have been created many times before the beginning of the cloud. This time, it must be! She can save them!

Those in the Nether Temple obviously have portraits of the clouds, so they recognize the beginning of the cloud at a glance, and then hear the excitement of those students, and more confirm that the little girl in front of them is their number one goal.

Twelfth more. Continue to send after writing.

(End of this chapter)

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