Chapter 1399 Delay time

After running out for nearly an hour, the talents of the Nether Temple chased up and surrounded the cloud.

It was the forest protection law that was headed. It was hard to catch the big fish in the beginning of the cloud. He naturally didn’t feel at ease, so he personally brought people to hunt down.

Although he felt that he had to deal with such a little girl, he was enough, but for insurance, he brought more than 40 people. As for the captives who have been imprisoned, they don’t worry that they will run away. Moreover, even if they run away, it doesn’t matter. It’s the most important thing to catch the cloud.

"Small girl, you can run very well, but now you have no possibility of running away, you will be embarrassed, otherwise we will not be serious, you will be guilty." Lin Huofa feels that the cloud is already theirs The things in the bag, the look is very proud.

"I am wondering, I have not provoked you to the Nether Temple, why do you have to catch me?" Yun said in front of the eyes, said indignantly.

"You are the name you want to catch. As for the reason, when you go back with us, you will naturally know, talk nonsense, and you will surrender."

At the beginning of the cloud, he sighed helplessly: "Well, anyway, you have more people, I can't beat you, come on, tie me back and get rewarded."

Lin Hufa took two people with his fingers: "You two have imprisoned her spiritual power and tied them with ropes."

The two people assigned immediately took the rope and walked forward, trying to tie the cloud to the beginning. At this time, the cloud began to wave his hands, and several purple needles went straight to the eyes of the two.

The two responded fairly quickly, flashing more than half of the purple small needles sideways, but there were still a few small purple needles piercing their faces. With the bursting sound, the two screamed again and again, although there was no spot on the spot, but the face The flesh that was also fried was blurred.

At the beginning of the cloud, the crowd was still in the air, and the hands waved again and again, and the purple needles kept shooting at the Nether Temple.

However, those people already have psychological preparations, so they have flashed the purple needles in the beginning of the cloud, and Lin Huo Law is angry and angry: "Smelly girl, toasting, not eating and drinking! Go! Take her down and keep a mouthful." ”

At the beginning of the cloud, he shouted: "Wait! You have a rest in this Nether Temple? Do you have to deal with a small gimmick of the five layers of Lingzong? Do you dare to single out with me?"

The beginning of the cloud is naturally to delay the time. Once the blue is broken, when the reinforcements come, they will be saved.

A beard and a beard said to Lin Biaofa: "Lin Hufa, I am going to clean up her, a five-layered scorpion film of Lingzong I can deal with it alone, Zhu Qi and Zhang Yao are just a big idea, so they only got her way. ”

Lin Hufa also felt that the two men had just made a big deal, so he said to the beard: "Liu Zhuang, then this stinky girl will be handed over to you, don't accidentally kill."

Liu Zhuang is also the one who looks at the cloud with a beard and looks at the beginning of the cloud: "Smelly girl, are you not going to single-handedly? Grandpa will accompany you on a few tricks, so that you can see and see the wonderful temple."

"Hey! Long, like a bear, you don't know what to do! What are you doing? Auntie kills you!" said Yun Xiaoxiao.

Liu Zhuangqi's face is red, and it is a spiritual attack against the beginning of the cloud. Not to mention that Liu Zhuang's spiritual beast is really a bear.

"Hey, I will say, you are like a bear, the original spiritual beast is also a bear, hahaha!" Yun said while she was dodging, she did not release the spiritual pig, but with a small purple The needle is fighting, and she naturally does this in order to delay for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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