Chapter 1403 Question

Everyone’s head is awkward, isn’t it the beginning of the cloud?

Vice-President Xiao has already listened to the people who have told about what happened inside. It can be said that Yunchu was almost alone, and saved everyone inside. He did not expect that he would lose his life in the end. It is really amazing!

The blue dust wants to enter the misty valley again, but the entrance to the misty valley has been closed, and the eyes disappeared in front of everyone.

The blue dusty heart was eroded by regrets a little bit. He could have killed the twenty people quickly, but he only used five successes to hide his strength. He thought that the cloud was so smart that he could support it. When he arrived, he did not expect the cloud to die like this.

Feng Ming three people also have blue falling dust and did not return to Tianyuan College with Vice President Xiao and others. Anyway, the next holiday is the vice president Xiao, who understands their feelings and sighs and takes people away.

Those meditations are also sighs and sighs. After all, the cloud shackles have saved their lives directly or indirectly, and it’s a pity that they are so dead.

The seven people who once robbed the beginning of the cloud heard that the cloud was dead, and could not help but sigh again and again. Although they were unfortunately not the seven million top quality stones, they felt that it was a pity that the little girl died. left.

Feng Ming informed the Emperor Beibei of the news the first time.

Although Emperor Beibei has been scared many times by the encounter of Yunchu, but still a pain in his heart, he quickly took the flight to the place where the foggy valley once appeared.

Feng Ming told the story of Emperor Beibei once again. Emperor Beibei immediately discovered the flaws in Fengming’s words, and looked at the blue dust in his eyes: “Blue dust, I thought you were so small to Xiaojiu. A little heart, I didn’t expect you to end up with Xiao Jiu in the end. If Xiao Jiu knows that she thinks she can trust her friend, she even puts her together, do you say she will never take care of you forever?"

Blue and dusty said coldly: "I know that I am sorry for the beginning of the cloud. If the cloud does not die, I will naturally admit her mistakes. I will make up my mistakes for the rest of my life. If, if the cloud is dead, I will destroy the Temple of the Nether and avenge her hatred."

"Let your dog stink! Blue dust, what kind of onion you are? Your fart worth of your life? You still my little nine sister, otherwise I killed you!" Blood is so easy to get rid of his awkward forced marriage I’m in a hurry to see the clouds.

On the way, Blood Promise heard that Tianyuan College had come to the foggy valley for trials, so he rushed over. I didn’t expect to hear some scattered discussions about the beginning of the cloud, and he was so anxious that he immediately rushed over.

Although the blue dust has not seen the bloodless promise, but he has seen the portrait of the bloodless, he sees the bloodless and so unkind, the tone has become cold: "There is no protagonist, when the cloud is in danger, you are Where? What qualification do you have to ask me?"

"You fart! If Xiaojie’s sister is not wrong with you, will she be insured? Maybe she will think of something else. And you? You a hypocrite, since you promised Xiaojiu, why are you? Don't make the best effort?

Ah, I know, you must have an ulterior motive, so you will hide your strength. Maybe you and the Nether Temple are a group! "The blood is extremely cold and said with a cold smile."

There are also four chapters.

(End of this chapter)

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